Stuck In The Middle

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Chapter One

"So, boys, great to be back isn't it?" I ask my two best friends, Trey and Cody. I fall into step between them, throwing an arm around each of their necks, which doesn't really work since they're a lot taller then me. I give up, letting my arms fall back to my sides with a defeated sigh. 

"Senior year, how can it not be great?" Trey smirks, Cody and I roll our eyes. It's easy for Trey. Everyone loves him. He's captain of the football team and every girl's dream guy. Except he never dates anyone, he tells me that he's waiting for the right girl.

Cody on the other hand is pretty much the opposite. He's more quiet but once you get to know him he's loud and fun. Instead of sports, Cody's into art. He's an amazing artist. 

Finally, there's me, Katherine or Katie for short. I'm not into sports or art. My thing is writing. Sounds geeky, I know but it really isn't. I make friends easily, I'm willing to talk to anyone but I only have two close friends. I'm not unknown in this school (Thanks to Trey) and I do talk to a lot of people.

There you have us, the three best friends.

We stop walking when we get to my locker. I put in my combination and open my locker. Trey slips his arm around my waist as I grab the books I need. He pushes some of my hair behind my ear.

"You must be excited since you're actually here on time." Trey gives me one of his charming smiles.

"Hands off." I push him away. He's a total flirt and mostly with me since were super close. "And I only showed up since my mom was home for once and made me get up." 

"Of course." Cody laughs. I turn to face him, slamming my locker locker shut. "This is the first time you've ever showed up for the first day of school."

"Not true!" I defined myself, although it is probably true and the look the boy's give confirms it. "Whatever," I frown. "first time for everything, right? Come on, let's go to class." I start to walk but stop when they don't follow.

"She must be sick," Trey whispers to Cody.

"I can hear you." I don't bother to turn around but I know there both smiling. They walk up on either side of me, I link my arms threw there's. We set off to home room which we all have together. The desks are arranged in pairs. Cody and I sit next to each other while Trey sits behind us with one of his many friends.

Our English teacher walks into the room, sweeping his eyes over the class. I've had him as my English teacher for the past two years. His eyes land on me, a smile breaking out on his face.

"Aw Miss.Heywood, you decided to show up today."

"Yup. Senior year, I couldn't bare to miss one of your classes." I smile back at him.

"How thoughtful." he smirks, he knows it not the real reason.

"Yup. That's me. Thoughtful," I mutter to myself. I hear Cody laugh and I look up at him. He's already looking at me, I guess he heard me. Before I know it, I'm laughing with him.

"Care to explain what's so funny?" the teacher asks. We both shake our heads, sending each other a look. Class ends not long after. I grab my stuff when Trey throws his arm over my shoulders, leading me out of the room. We don't have our next class with Cody since he has art.

"You know, I never had a boyfriend." I say casually. "I think you're the reason." I deadpan, pushing his arm off me. 

"Nah, you need a guy who's brave enough to come up to you even when I'm here." he smirks.

"Whatever." I punch him lightly on his arm. 

"You're going to pay for that!" he warns me.

"Oh yeah? I'm so scared!" I put my hand on my chest, acting scared.

"That's it. You asked for it." he wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me over his shoulder. I scream but stop quickly when I remember were in school. 

"Trey! put me down!" I start to kick my feet.

"Babe, don't make me drop you." he laughs. As we enter the class room, he sets me down. I stumble but regain my balance quickly. We sit down next to each other.

"So, there's a game this Friday." his first football game of the season. "You know how all the guy's girlfriends were there jerseys?" Once I nod he continues, but I already know what he's going to ask. "Do you want to wear mine?"

I wore his jersey for every past game, I don't see why he even asks me anymore. 

"Of course! You don't even need to ask."  he doesn't get a chance to reply before the class starts.

The rest of the day goes by fast and suddenly I can't wait to get home. I'm not used to the first day of school. I drop my stuff of at my locker and walk down the hallway.

"Hey Katie!" Cody falls into step beside me.

"You're actually walking home today?" he normally goes to Trey's house after school. Cody lives two houses away from me, so we walk home together when he's not hanging out with Trey.

"Yeah, Trey has practice." Cody throws his arm around my shoulders.

"Glad to see I'm your first choice," I joke. 

"You always are." We both laugh. He drops me off at my house before going to his own. I wonder into the kitchen.

"Mom?" I shout. Silence meets me. I sigh, dropping my bag onto the table. She's not here. Typical. 

Hey!! So new story time! What do you think? I like it...but of course I do since I wrote it, haha! So anyway, I hope you all liked it! I know it's short but the chapters do get longer, I promise! xx

Also this is in the Watty Awards, so please vote and comment. It means a lot to me :3 

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