Chapter Fifteen

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I bang my fist against the door even harder. Maybe they'll hear me now. When no one answers, I sigh and raise my fist again. I glare at the piece of wood in front of me and pound even harder on it. Finally the door opens up but it's not the person I'm expecting.

"Who are you?" she demands. The girl is a little bit taller then me with a small body, glossy blonde hair, and blue eyes. I notice everything about her appearance is perfect, right down to her nails, which are painted a pretty pink. 

"Can I talk to Ethan?" I ask  without answering her question. She glares at me.

"That depends. Who are you?" she demands and I roll my eyes. 

"What's it to you? Can I just talk to him, please?" I feel like I'm about to snap. This chick is pushing her luck with me.

"No, now just leave-" she starts to say but I cut her off.

"Look, bitch I don't know who you are but you have no right-" I say but am cut off by someone else.

"Who's at the door, April?" Ethan walks over, standing next to the girl I guess is April. "Katie?"

"You know her?" April asks in disbelief. Ethan nods.

"Hey, I um need to talk to you. Alone." I say quietly. 

"Yeah, sure, come on in," he says and I follow him into the apartment. April shoots me a icy glare, which I ignore. April stops Ethan.

"Who is she?" she whispers to him. 

"My sister," he tells her.

"Oh," is her response. I feel the urge to giggle at her but I manage to stop myself. I don't need to be on Ethan's bad side when I want something. He leads me into a kitchen and I take a place at the table. He pours himself a cup of coffee, then looks at me.

"Want some?"

"No thanks," I say.

"Still don't like it?" I shake my head as an answer and he sits down across from me. 

"New girlfriend I see, this one's a real keeper." my voice is heavy with sarcasm. 

"Look, did you come here for something cause I have important things to do," he snaps. I push away the crushing feeling of hurt.

"I need dad's address," I deadpan. I'm not going to beat around the bush, I just want out of this apartmant as soon as possible. 


"Just give it to me," I say.

"And I said no." I stand up so fast that my chair falls over behind me. 

"It's not up to you if I want to see him or not! You don't have enough influence in my life to keep me away! Just give me his stupid address!" I scream.

"Fine, but when you see how fucking perfect his life is, don't come crying to me!" he grabs a piece of paper and starts writing.

"Well, at least he has a  family," I hiss and grab the paper from him. 

"We do have a family!" he snaps and I stare at him. 

"If you think what we are is a family then you're screwed up in the head. We are not a family."

I spin on my heel, running out of the apartment. How can he be such an idiot? I glance down at the paper in my hands. The street he lives on is across town.

I walk to the nearest bus stop and slowly make my way to my dads house. I have to switch busses twice just to get there. This is going to be a long ride.

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