Chapter Seven

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I shove a piece of pancake into my mouth. These are literally perfect! Cody is an amazing cook, there's no question about it. We're sitting at the island in the kitchen, listening to loud music  and eating pancakes.

"These are delicious!" 

"Gross! Don't talk with food in your mouth." I chew obnoxiously and open my mouth to show him. He put's his hand over my mouth, I lick his hand with my mouth full of food. I regret nothing.

"Eww!" he pulls his hand away with wide eyes. I giggle and finish chewing. Cody wipes his hand on his pyjama pants since he never bothered to put a shirt on. His phone start's to go off.

"Hey. Yeah, she's here. She turned her phone off. See ya in a few." I watch him, listening to one side of the call. The song changes to Call me Maybe. I slide out of my seat and turn it way up. I start to dance around the kitchen, I can hear Cody laugh at me but I don't stop.  I see Trey walk into the house followed by Alex.

"Trey! Dance with me!" he grabs my hand and twirls me. As soon as the song ends I slide back into my seat to finish my breakfast.

"Wow, thanks for making me some, dude." Trey says sarcastically to Cody. I get a warm feeling in my stomach when I'm around these two. I feel like I belong. 

 "Why is he here?" I point my fork in Alex's direction. Alex keeps quiet.

"Because I can't stay long and were going to the gym." he explains. I spin on my chair and bring my plate to the sink. "Your mom called me."

"What did she want?" I turned my phone off since she wouldn't stop calling me. "I turned my phone off an hour ago."

"Just to know where you are." he watches me closely. "Katie, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I shove all my feeling's aside and fake a smile. I didn't need them worrying about me. 

"Okay," he smiles and raises his hand. I smack it with my own, giving him a grin. Cody tosses Trey his keys.  "See you two later!" Trey and Alex leave the kitchen and I look at Cody.

"So, what are we going to do today?" I ask but I don't let him answer. "Let's go to the beach!" 

"Sure, don't you need to go home to get your swim suit though?" he asks. I shake my head and leave the kitchen, running up to his room. I pull open a drawer. I have a pair of shorts, a few t-shirts, a pair of sandals, socks and my swim suit in here. Just in case I need them.

I slam the bathroom door behind me. I slip on my bikini. The bottom is black and the top is a dark shade of pink. Over top I put my purple t-shirt back on and a pair of shorts. Grabbing my pyjama bottoms, I head back into Cody's room to exchange them for the flip flops.

"To the beach!" Cody exclaims. I haven't been to the beach in a while. I have a bubble of excitement growing inside of me. Cody drives for about ten minutes until we pulled up at the beach. I step out of the car, taking in the beach.

There's not too many people here, which is nice. It's hot out with only a slight breeze. Cody and I walk on toward the beach to find a spot. Once we get on the sand, I take my shoes off and carry them in one hand. The sand is warm beneath my toes.

We pick a spot away from everyone else, farther down the beach. I lay down my towel next to Cody's. I pull my shirt off and shorts. I grab the sun screen and start to apply it, Cody doing the same. I lay back on my towel, closing my eyes.

I can already feel my skin soaking in the sun. I smile a bit. Even though it's September it's beautiful out. That's the benefit with living in Florida, it's warm here. I open my eyes, looking at Cody. His eyes are closed and I close mine again.

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