Chapter Five

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Today is Friday. That means it is the first football game for our school. My school is huge on school spirit, so everyone dresses in our school colors, purple and gold. And if you were one of the girlfriends you wore their jersey. 

This was one of the days everyone looked alike, in both clothes and make-up. If today is going to be like the past football days, it will be fun.

I pull my hair into a high ponytail with a gold ribbon and tilt my head, checking out my outfit. I'm wearing Trey's jersey with a short jean skirt and a pair of purple converse. I slip on a gold anklet and gold eye shadow. 

I start my walk to school, alone. Cody said something about wanting to be early and of course that's a problem for me. 

There are lot's of people hanging out outside the front of the school. Football players have purple and gold face paint and are giving everyone warrior lines on their cheeks. Trey spots me right away and comes running over. His left hand is completely covered in gold paint and the other one holds a purple face painting stick.

"Looking good, Katie!" I roll my eyes. "Want some face paint?"

"Sure." he sets his left hand on my cheek and I realize too late what he did. He just put a gold hand print on my cheek.  

"Trey!" I exclaim and he just grins.

"Hold still." he demands, I can feel him writing something on my cheek. "There. Don't take it off!" 

"Wait, what did you write?" my eyes widen.

"Promise me you won't take it off." he give me a hopeful look.

"I promise!" I sigh. He grins and we make our way to the school. He leaves me at the main doors and I be-line for a bathroom. There's a bunch of girls in front of the mirror, touching up there make-up and gossiping. 

I squeeze into a tight spot right in front of the mirror. Please don't be anything inappropriate... I think to myself. I turn my head slightly to get a clear view of my cheek.

"Trey's babe." I read aloud but keeping my voice quiet. I roll my eyes at my reflection. He would. With one last look, I leave the bathroom. I drop all of my stuff off at my locker since we won't be doing any work. I know we will be having a pep-rally.

I'm early but I leave for class anyway. There are only a few student's already here before me. The teacher gives me a weird look, probably because of my cheeks. I duck my head and take a seat at the back of the room. 

A few minutes later the bell rings and everyone starts showing up. Were not in the class room long before the teacher tells us to head to the gym. As soon as I step into the hallway, I'm swept up in a crowd. 

I pull out my phone and call Cody. I don't want to sit alone for this. 

"Where are you?" he answers on the second ring.

"I'm just passing the science rooms." I say, glancing at my surroundings. 

"I'll wait for you outside the gym doors." we don't say anything more to each other, just hang up. I see him standing off to the side of the doors, waiting. As soon as I walk up to him he starts laughing. 

"I see Trey got to you too." he smirks.

"What happened to yours?" I ask.

"I washed it off. He wrote cutie pie." he grumbles. I burst out laughing and grab his hand, throwing ourselves into the crowd of people to get into the gym. We climb into the bleachers and find a seat. Every where I look I see the colors purple and gold. 

It's kind of amazing to see everyone in the school come together for something. Even if it is just supporting our team in a football game. The gym is packed with students, some people have resorted to sitting on the floor.

Music blasts from the speakers as everyone sits down and wait for the pep-rally to start. I don't find pep-rallies to be exciting. I'm not sure if it's the way our school does it but it's quite boring. But it's a good way to get out of class.

The music stops but everyone keeps on talking. A girl and a guy  who are each holding their own microphone stand in the middle of the gym, waiting for every ones attention.

"Excuse me," the girl says politely into the microphone. "Hey!" she shouts and that get's everyone's attention.

"Okay! Here is our schools foot ball team!" she announces in her extreme girlie voice.

It drags on to introducing all the players, old and new. There are a lot of them! Then they have the cheerleader's show us some of their routines. I didn't think it could get any more boring. To finish it off, Trey being the captain, gave a speech on how fun it is and can't wait to win. 

By the the time it's over, it's nearly lunch. All the student's start to file out. I grab Cody's hand so I won't lose him. Trey won't be eating lunch with us since he has practice before the game. Cody and I go right to the cafeteria and grab a table. 

"So, you going to the party?" I ask him, making conversation. 

"It's at Trey's house, isn't it?" I nod. "Then probably." 

"Dib's on shotgun!" I call since Trey would be giving us a ride.

"You can't call dib's this early!" he exclaims.

"I just did." I give him a charming smile. 

Lunch ends not long after and I separate from Cody to got to my class. This time I'm one of the last people in the room but I still get a seat in the back. I drop my books onto the desk and slouch in my seat.

The class slowly creeps by. I start to tap my pencil along with a rhythm in my head. People start sending me glares but I keep going.

"Miss. Heywood." the teacher warns, I'm too zoned out to bother paying attention to the cranky old lady. She is way to strict. I keep tapping away, right until a hand slaps down on my pencil. I glance up to find the teacher there. 

"You can spend the rest of class in the office." she passes me a note to give to the secretary. I roll my eyes and give her my best glare. As I head to the office I read the note.

Sent to spend the rest of class in office for causing disturbance in the class.

-Ms. Sanders

I shake my head and push the office door open. I pass the note to the secretary and take my place in one of the chairs. 

"What did you do?"  Miss. Taylor asks me, smirking. She has long blond hair, green eyes and pale skin. She's in her early twenties and get's along with all the students.

"I wouldn't stop tapping my pencil." I admit. She laughs and I can't help but join in.

I skip my last class for no good reason. The game starts at three so I go early to get good seats. I choose one about halfway up the bleachers. Both teams are on the field warming up. Somehow Trey manages to see me and starts waving.

I wave back, some people turn to look at me but I pay no attention to them. Soon enough the bleachers fill up and Cody joins me. 

The game starts and I watch closely. I don't fully understand the game. I don't think it even matters. I'm just here to support Trey. 

I cheer on Trey with all my heart and Cody at my side, joining in. 


It means the world to me! <3

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