Authors Note! (Chapter 5 is already posed after this!)

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Heyy everyone! Please read:)

First off, there won't be an update today. Sorry! I do try to post a chapter a day since it's summer and I have nothing importent to do (Most of the time). I actually took a summer course for school and it's more time consuming then I thought it would be! That is the reason I won't be uploading anything today.

Okay, second thing I want to talk about is this book! Even though were not far in, how do you like it? HONESTLY? I can take criticism! Don't be afraid to tell me what you really think! :) I honestly LOVE Katie, Cody and Trey! There's just something about them that makes them super special to me. I guess I have something that connects me to each of them. :) I absulutly love the idea of falling in love with your best friend! I wish it would happen to me...except I don't have a super close guy friend.  I used to but then we moved out of the city. sucks. OH OH OH and Stuck In The Middle is Teen Fiction  #91 AND Romance #941!! I can not express how happy this makes me!

And thirdly, my spelling. I know I mentioned this before but I'm going to talk about it again. I know my spelling and grammer are horrible. Trust me. I always wrote on Microsoft Word and it would correct everything for me. But my laptop crashed (It won't even turn on) and I lost EVERYTHING. All my writing, music and pictures.  I'm suck using my parents computer which doesn't have microsoft word. I am gettting a new one but my parents keep pushing the date back. Needless to say, I am NOT impressed. 

LAST OF ALL, if you want me to read anything of yours just let me know! I will read/comment and possibly vote!  Just leave the link to your story  ↓ in the comments!  I will read it! :) 

Thanks for all the voting and commenting! You're all amazing! <3 :)


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