Damon and Jordan (TRS)

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I woke up seeing Joe hugging a pillow. I chuckled lightly and got up, grabbed a towel, and walked into the bathroom. I stripped and stepped in the shower. I took a short 10 minute shower and walked out to my suitcase and grabbed a pair of purple panties and a bra, black ripped skinny jeans, and a Motionless in White shirt and changed. I pulled on a pair of black socks and my black vans with red laces. After a while of watching Netflix on my phone, Joe woke up and took a shower. He came out dressed in a black v-neck shirt, blue jeans, and black and red Nikes. He ordered room service and we waited in silence. Once we got our food and placed it on the little island in the room, my phone rang with the name 'Jordan' on the top. I answered.


"Hey Ry!"

"Hey Jordan! How are you doing it's been so fucking long!"

"I know! So, I talked to your mom and..."

"And what?", I asked anxiously.

"Open the door", I walked to the door and saw my best friends! You see, the girls kinda drifted away. I dropped my phone and screamed. My best friends Damon (Fizzy) and Jordan (Witzigreuter/ The Ready Set) were in front of me. I hugged them and they hugged back. I invited them in and they sat on the couch. "Oh my GOD! I missed you guys so much! How have you been?", all they did was hang their mouths open and look behind me. I turned and saw Joe. "Oh! Guys this is Joe a.k.a. Roman my boyfriend. Joe, this is Jordan and Damon. My best friends.", I said looking back and forth. "Hey", Joe said. "Hey..." they said in  shock.

"Damon?", I said. "Yea?", he answered. "Just remember, you flaws are what make you flawless!", I exclaimed. He smiled. "And Jordan?", he looked at me. "Your hair is flawless!", he chuckled. "I still can't believe that you guys are here!", I said hugging them again.


So, it's about 5 in the afternoon and Jordan, Damon, and I have spent the whole day together. Right now we're going to go eat!

*Joe's POV*

*It is now 9PM.*

I was walking the halls to get a bag of chips from the vending machine when I heard a very familiar voice, "So, where's Ry?", I turned and saw Colby. "Out with her friends", I say putting money in the machine. "Why aren't you with them?"

"Because, I trust her and they seem like nice guys", I said pressing the numbers.

"How do you know she's not fucking them right now?", that's when he really pissed me off. I pinned him to the wall by his neck. "Shut the hell up!", he put his hands up in surrender. "At least I don't have a daughter that my girlfriend doesn't know about", I pinned him to the floor and punched him multiple times. After a while I just grabbed my chips and walked back to the room.

*Ryder's POV*

We were back at the hotel and when we were on the floor our room was on, I saw Colby on the floor unconscious. I stepped over him. "Aren't you gonna help him?", Damon asked. "No. He's the asshole I talked to you about.", they nodded. We walked into the room. "Well we gotta run. It was nice to see you again. We'll call later", Jordan said. I nodded and hugged and kissed their cheeks. Dean came and walked up to me then turned, then turned back to me. "Who are they?" he asked pointing to them. "They are my best friends Damon and Jordan." I said pointing to each of them. "Nice to meet you. I'm Dean" he said holding out his hand. They shook his hand. "Nice to meet you too. Well, we gotta go. Bye!" Damon said and they ran off.

Dean and I sat on either side of Joe. I wrapped my arms around Joe's and cuddled up to him. "How'd it go?" Joe asked looking at me. "It was fun. I'm glad they stopped by. I missed them." I said tracing his sleeve of tattoos. "That's good" he said. He picked me up and placed me on his lap and wrapped his arms around me. "I need a girl" Jonathan (Dean) said. "No. What you need is to stop having one night stands and be committed to a relationship" I said. He looked at Joe and Joe nodded. He looked at his lap, got up and walked out. Joe and I stayed in a comfortable, romantic silence until he broke it. "Do you love me?" he asked. I turned and looked at him like he was crazy. "What are you talking about?  Of course I love you! Where did you get the thought of me not loving you?" I said. "Colby said some things" he said quietly.  "And you would believe him?" I asked him. "No, I just wanted to hear that you loved me" he said. I smirked knowing he was lying.  "Okay. Well we have to get going early in the morning so,  I'm gonna go to bed." I said. Joe nodded. I grabbed a pair of booty shorts and a Black Veil Brides tank top that was sorta flowy at the bottom. I changed and kissed Joe. "Good night.  I love you." I said. "Good nightn I love you too." he said back. I smiled. I kissed him once more before walking to the bed and letting sleep take over my body.


Okay! Sorry if it was short! If you liked it, please vote it! And if you love it, please recommend it to a friend! Oh! And also if you don't already,  start listening to The Ready Set, they are really amazing!  Okay! Until next time!

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