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-Ryder's POV-

As Joe got ready for his match, I sat on the couch taking pictures of him stretching, because why not? "What are you doing Miss Levesque?" he asked playfully. "Taking pictures of you," I smiled. "May I ask why?" he said. "For my own pleasure," I winked.

"What if I give you some pleasure tonight?" he smirked pulling me to his chest. I blushed and hid in his chest. He chuckled and kissed my head. "But seriously, what if I did?" he winked. "I wouldn't mind one bit Mr. Anoa'i," I said smirking at him. "I have a very important question to ask you, Miss Levesque," he said with a serious tone. "And what would that be... sir?" I said biting my lip. Joe chuckled and got down on one knee. I started freeing out. Mentally I was jumping around. I am NOT ready to get married. Holllyy shiiiit.

"Will you, Rydel Joanna McMahon Levesque, make me the happiest man in the world and go out on a date with me?" he said. I exhaled in relief. "Thank god!" I said dramatically. "What?" he asked getting up. "I'm just so relieved. I thought you were going to propose. I was freaking out, because I am not ready for that yet," I sighed. "Well, you still haven't answered my question," he said looking down. "Yes. I would love to go on a date with you. Even though you didn't have to ask because we're already going out," I laughed. "Yeah, sorry about that," he chuckled. "It's fine. It was cute," I said smiling at him. He blushed. I kissed him.

-Joe's POV-

Well there goes my plan for tonight. I had already bought the ring that I was going to use to propose to her. I even reached out to her parents for their blessing. I guess it'll have to wait a little while longer. I walked out of the locker room to go to my match, but I couldn't get the fact that she isn't ready to get married through my head. I know she's still only 19, but I love her. I really do. Let's just hope she doesn't find the ring before I can store it somewhere safe.

-Ryder's POV- At their hotel room after RAW-

I can't wait to see where Joe takes me later on! Right now, I'm blow drying my hair while Joe is in the shower. When I'm done I brush it out and leave it in its natural state and do a braid at the top of my head (picture of her outfit is attached). I change into a maroon dress that goes to the middle of my thigh, black pumps, a black necklace, and fake gold bangles. Then I fill in my eyebrows, do a natural eye shadow look, and swipe on some mascara. I leave and close the door for Joe to be in peace during his shower. I put my phone, wallet, hand sanitizer, hand lotion, and earphones in my small cross-body, tan bag. and sit on the couch. I look over and see a small box in Joe's jacket pocket. I hear the door open and see Joe walking into the bedroom to get changed. I look back over and grab it. I open it hesitantly.

Inside the box there's a beautiful engagement ring. I cover my mouth in shock.

No. He couldn't have. He wouldn't, right? Does he really want me to be his wife?

But I'm only 19. But I really love him. The door re-opens and I turn around. "Were you going to propose to me?" I asked. He sighed. "I was, but then you said you weren't ready, so I was going to store it until you were, but I don't know what to do anymore, now that you've already seen it," he said looking down.

"Yes," I said. "What?" he asked, clearly confused. "Yes! I will marry you!" I said smiling. "Are you sure you're ready?" he asked. "I'm sure that I love you," I said waling up to him. He smiled, kissed me, and spun us around. "I love you," I said looking into his beautiful eyes. "I love you too," he responded. He took the box from my hand and got down on one knee once again. He grabbed my left hand and put the ring on my finger. I started getting watery-eyed.

"Would you like to proceed to dinner, Future Mrs. Anoa'i?" he asked. I giggled and nodded. I grabbed my bag and he grabbed his jacket before we headed out. When we got to the car, he opened the door for me. I blushed and got in.

I guess my whole life is starting to unfold. I smiled and looked out the window.

-After Dinner-

We got back to our hotel room at about 11 PM, and we were both tired as fuck. Joe took off his clothes so he was only in boxers. Me on the other hand had changed into one of his Roman Reigns shirts and picked my hair up into a messy bun. I got into bed and turned off the lamp. Joe puled me into his chest, causing me to squeal. He chuckled. "Good night baby girl," he said. I love when he says that! "Good night JoJo," I said using the nickname I came up with for him a while back. He kissed me one last time before kissing my temple and falling asleep.

--- 2 AM---

Joe has been asleep for 3 hours, and I can't even close my eyes. I got up, pulled on some shorts and socks, and decided to take a walk around the hotel. I made sure to grab my key before heading out.

After 5 minutes of walking around I started to get tired. "Hey Sweetheart. What're you doing out this late?" I turned around and saw Jon. "I couldn't sleep, so I just started walking around. What about you, Mr. Good?" I replied. "Drinking. Duh," he scoffed. I chuckled. "Let me walk you to your room," he offered. I nodded. "So what were you drinking?" I asked trying to make conversation. "I just had like 3 BudLights," he responded. I nodded. When we got to my room, he hugged me. Odd. "Congrats, by the way," he said. I looked at him confused. "On the engagement," he said. "You knew?" I questioned. "I was the first one he told about 6 months ago," he answered. "He's been panning this for 6 months?" I said in awe. Jon nodded. I smiled. "You better get to your man before he wakes up and has a panic attack," he said pointing to the door. I nodded and we hugged good-bye.

I opened the door to see Joe pacing around the living room. "There you are!! I've been worried sick!" he said hugging me. "Well here I am," I said. "Where were you?" he asked. "I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk around the hotel," I answered. He walked us to the bedroom and cuddled with me until I fell asleep.


HEY GUYs! Sorry for not updating in the longest time! I'm really sorry! Anyway!!Give me feedback on my comeback chapter! And don't forget to take a look at my new story "The Rookie" I just started.

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