Timeless moments

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Ade was discharged from the hospital and Jay thoroughly looked after her. If it was AJ or Oreos she needed, he was already there with them. He didn't realise how much he cared for her after the incident and frankly, he was shocked.

"Thanks for taking such good care of me, Jay." Ade said with a soulful expression on her face.

"That's what I'm here for, Ade. If you need anything, you just tell me. I care for you more than you know."

Jays voice descended into a whisper and he found himself unable to look at her in the eye. She lifted her hand and brushed a strand of hair away from his forehead.

"I know." Ade whispered.

Jay's mind was clouded with worry, rage and love. He needed some time to relax. Lately, it had all been at Ade's beck and call, no time for himself. It might have sounded selfish, but he really needed to cool off.

"Do you feel like you can go out?" Jay inquired.

"That sounds awesome! I haven't spent time like that with you in ages!" Ade's face lighted up with excitement and hope.

"Let's go." Jay said walking to grab his jacket and turned to look at Ade.

"If you're up to it that is?"

"I'm fine. You really need to stop worrying Jay-jay." Ade said with a delightful look on her beautiful face.

They both strolled out of the door and fortunately it was just about sunset, blossom trees plotted everywhere and the cool breeze brushed their faces. They stayed quiet for a while, until Ade lost her balance. Jay's hands shot out to grab her arms to steady her and suddenly, their faces where up against each other's. Jay could feel Ade's breath on his face setting wild fires in his heart, her scent so tantalising leaving him intoxicated. Her agonising sky blue eyes darting all over his face in search for expression and blood red lips so perfectly proportioned. He was bewitched by her. He reluctantly pulled back, letting go of her arms.

"I think it would be best if we sat down?" Jay joked, leaving an embarrassed Ade arkwardly frozen in the position she was in.

"Yeah, I guess so." Ade said, acting all cool. They sat on the nearby grass which luckily, looked over the sea.

"Erm arkward question. Why were you SO worried when the department got attacked?" Ade questioned. Jay looked like he was just slapped.

"You're my best friend! How could I not be worried about you?! When I heard what happened, I dropped everything and ran as fast as I could. Now tell me, in which part of that says I don't care for you?" Jay questioned, looking utterly bemused.

Ade was taken aback. She couldn't quite believe what he was saying. She stared at him for a while, searching his hazel eyes and quickly noticed the ticking of his jaw.

"I'm sorry." And with that, she rested her head against his shoulder. She closed her eyes in hope to capture this moment.

"No, I'm sorry Adira. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that." He placed a kiss upon her head and eventually rested his own head against hers. They sat there in timeless moments, the wind greeting them in the most subtle ways.

Before they knew it, it was dark and the moon's magnificence took over the sky. The water shimmered with the moonlight and everything around them had fallen into non existence. It was as if they had the whole world to themselves.

Ade laid down on the bed of grass, staring up at the sky, gazing in amazement at the stars. Soon, Jay laid down with her and so, they both were side by side. Jay slid his hand into Ade's and soon, she accepted.

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