A Race

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Jay was startled awake by Brad who had splashed water over him. "Hey!" He faintly registered a voice calling his name but he was still dazed from the dream he had awoken from: Ade and himself were arguing over something, Ade slapping him and Jay laughing uproariously. Her scent drugged him, driving him crazy; he would do anything to see her again. Jay's slumped form was yanked upright, his head lolling pathetically. "Jay!" Brad slapped his face, his eyes frantically searching his face. Bottles of alchohol lay across the desk, surrounding the laptop that Jay had spent hours on, trying to find her, but to no avail. His face was haggard with worry: His face was unkempt, making way for a stubble and his eyes accompanied some serious eye bags. Jay was now being gripped my the shoulder by two hands and was being shaken fiercely. Finally, his eyes registered his surroundings: Aria was asleep on the sofa, and so were some of his other friends. As soon as they'd heard Ade had been abducted, they had been non stop searching for her.

"What?! Have you found her?!" Jay pleaded, his eyes searching Brad's face. Tiny sparks of hope flared inside of him: he would turn the world upside down to try and find her.

"No, not exactly, but I've got a lead. You had a GPS tracker attached to your car -for which I have no idea why- but I've tracked it down, and it's parked near a deserted old building." A small smile lit up Brad's face when he saw Jays triumphant expression.

"Well, what in the fuck are we waiting for?" He had already thrown his jacket around him, but a hand pulled on his shoulder. "That bastard's clever. He could've just turned the GPS off and abandoned the car in nowhere." Jay whipped around, anger evident on his face. "Well I've got nothing better to do, and she could be there. I'm not taking any chances." Before they both could storm out of the door, the rest had woken up, with Aria standing near it, apparently not letting anyone through. "I'm going with you." With a serious expression, she fixed her hard glare upon Jay. "Look Ari-" Jay sighed exasperatedly, but before he could continue, Aria interrupted. "Save it! She's my best friend, and your fucked if you think I'm not coming." Seeing no point in arguing, Jay simply gestured at Aria to follow, and soon they were out of the door. But before closing it, he heard a voice. "Bring her back for us." He smirked at all of them. "I will." All three turned towards the exit: their confident strides meant they we're ready. Brad threw his car keys at Jay, his quick reflexes causing him to catch them easily. All of them in the car, he looked on with silent will: we're coming Ade. "Give me your phone." Brad handed his phone to Jay: Jay's eyes searched the map, finding the location of the building. Satisfied when he found it, he smirked triumphantly. "Get ready. I'm gonna put the hammer to the floor!" He was true to his word- they took off in to the night, lights flickering by. Coming upon traffic lights, Jay slowed the car down. A grim expression accompanied his face, his hard eyes fixed on the road ahead. Aria, knowing that he was in a hard place, placed her hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

"We'll find her Jay," she smiled at him through the mirror. "I'm sure she's keeping them busy." Jay only placed his own hand over hers, nodding slightly. Jay could not do more than just gesture; his words wouldn't surpass him. All he needed was Ade with him. He simply needed her. He longed to breathe: his breath simply would not pass his lips. Part of him was still recovering from the shock of her abduction: she had been taken so suddenly from him that I took him a few moments to comprehend what was happening. Fear had it's steely clutch on him as the horrifying images came to suffocate him. His heart was eating at itself like acid at the guilt of letting him take her. The pleading look in her eyes... A visible shudder wracked his body as his heart bled and bled, ice trickling into every fibre of his being. His face was pale with the terror of the situation- it was consuming him, so much that he didn't know how to climb back out. Thousands of questions clouded his mind: was she okay? Was she frightened? Was she alive to feel anything at all?..

No! I will move heaven and earth to find her.

He sped up, zipping inbetween traffic every so often cursing at the slow people ahead. Reaching the outskirts at the city, he glanced at the map on his phone. His hands gripped the wheel so tight, his knuckles were threatening to break through. After what seemed to ages, he reached his destination, resisting the urge to jump out. He looked up at the vast building, old and decrepit. He wondered why he would bring her to such a place, but then again he was a psychotic bastard. The building was practically falling apart, it's windows smashed and some boarded up. They all stepped out of the car, Brad and Aria bewildered at the sight before them.

"What is this place?" Aria whispered, her eyes searching the building, her head tilted upwards to aid her in looking further up.

"Why would he bring her here?" Brad was cocking his gun, whilst looking around at his surroundings.

"Whatever the reason, I don't care. Ade could be-" He broke off, barely able to speak further. Jay swallowed hard, blinking furiously at the hazy surroundings.

Jay dammit, don't!

He waved towards the building, words lost on him.

"Let's just go."

Advancing towards the building, Jay and Brad held their gun steadily, their eyes strategically searching their surroundings. All of a sudden, Brad halted.

"Aria, if your coming then stay behind us." Without a word, Aria moved to the back.

Satisfied, they moved on, until they found a door before them. Stopping, they both looked at the door, then at each other as if confirmation of something.

"What are you waiting for?" Aria advanced towards the door, her hand reaching out, but before she knew it, shrewd halted by an arm. "No. We need to know whether we're walking into a trap. So me and Jay are going and if it's safe I'll call you in." Brad whispered, his eyes fixed on the door.


"No buts Aria! We need you to listen if we're going to get out alive." Jay bursted, looking at her with his serious eyes.

Silent and reluctant, Aria stepped to the side. Brad turned to the door once again, nearing the door frame and leaning against it, his gun held aloft. Brad shot a glance at Jay which told him what to do: he raised his leg high and with forward momentum, he kicked the door in, revealing a dark room. Seeing no one, he gestured at Brad to follow him, his gun still in his hands.

"Come on." He ventured through the room, the small holes in the roof allowing sunlight to pour in. He opened another door, Brad near the doorframe once again, covering him. They moved through a series of rooms, before coming to a staircase. With an increasing urge to find Ade, Jay sped up his pace, Brad on his tail. He flew down the stairs swiftly, his long legs carrying him through the building. In the middle of his searching, Jay heard a small moan come from one of the rooms. His mind alert, he whipped around, his fingers wrapping around the doorknob. With heavy apprehension, he opened the door slowly. His breath caught in his throat: her head lolled against her chest, her hair draped upon her face. Her arms were tied to a chair, and her feet to the chairlegs. But most of all, a sinister type of clock sat under the chair: 1:43:09.

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