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The next morning, Jay woke up to the sound of Ade scurrying around in the kitchen, when suddenly the smell of breakfast wafted through the flat. He suddenly lifted his head off his pillow causing a pang of searing pain go rocketing through his head.

"Son of a bitch!" Jay cursed, touching his forehead and resting it back onto the pillow again. Ade suddenly came running through his door, an alarmed look on her face.

"What's wrong?" She questioned with a scared look on her delightful face. As soon as she set foot in his room, he slowly sat up and noticed that she was wearing one of his shirts that were long enough to make it into a dress for her. His eyes widened for a moment but relaxed into his lazy ones. He eyed her up and down and raised his eyebrow. A deep blush creeped up on to her face and she awkwardly shuffled around trying to avoid his gaze.

"Nothing, but I'm touched for your concern," He smirked. "Just a remnant of the drinking binge yesterday. Don't worry." Jay replied, trying to comfort her anxiousness.

"Well if your sure.." Ade's voice trailed off. She smiled at him and walked out of his room quite quickly, because she knew where his shameless eyes would land.

Jay inwardly laughed; her awkward movements always seemed to make him chuckle. A flash of last night crossed his mind. He quickly shoved the thought out of his head and threw his shirt on and went to the bathroom. He splashed his face with cold water and stopped to look at himself in the mirror. He stared at his reflection for a while before snapping himself out of it. He brushed his teeth and walked off to the living room. The sight was something to behold; Ade was holding two pans looking at them quizzically. One was playing host to burnt tomatoes and the other, burnt eggs. The rising rage was showing in her eyes and he was struggling to keep himself from collapsing with laughter.

"Babe, you need some help?" He said with a voice filled with amusement. There was no question: she looked like she was ready to kill.

"Well no shit JAY. These stupid things have burnt and it's because of you!" She screamed and much to her chagrin, Jay was now tittering.

"If it wasn't for you and your potty mouth," she thrust the pan into his chest, "I would have burnt these things." Ade said in a voice so shrill, that if it wasn't for what she was holding he would've been shooting back with full force. But if the pans were to hit him in a unfortunate place he would be in a bad position.

"It wasn't my fault that you came running into my room, princess."

"ARGH!" She threw the pans unto the worktops and stomped her foot.

"Calm down Ade. We'll make some new ones alright? Together." Jay said in voice so serious he was surprised even with himself. He went to the fridge and got some eggs, and because there were no tomatoes, he pulled out some beans and bread.

"There's no more tomatoes, so we're just gonna have to put up with some bread and beans. Is that ok or should I go and get tomatoes?"

"No, no! That's fine!" Ade answered quickly and they washed the pans and started again. After a few minutes they made their breakfast and sat down to eat.

"Well, if do say so myself, this is tasty!" Jay exclaimed. Ade was too busy eating to respond. Just a few minutes in, they had both finished and as Ade got up to go wash the plates, Jay spoke up.

"No, let me do it. You seem to be doing everything." Jay took the plates to the sink after a tug of war. Ade resumed her sitting position and turned on the tv and suddenly the booming voice filled the flat. Jay was so startled he dropped the plates, Ade's neck snapped around so fast there was a crick but she barely noticed.

"Oohh shit."

"Did you just break the plates?" She asked in a voice full of shock.

"Maybe one of them.." Jay started, rubbing the back of his neck as she scurrying over and gasped at the shards of the remains of the plate.

"Well if you turned that damn thing down, maybe i wouldn't have broke them!"

"Are your hands so slippery they can't hold a freakin'-?!"


"Damn it! We can't afford to go smashing plates all the time Jay!" She started gathering all the shards and gasped.

"Ouch!" She glared at her hand which was playing host to a gash straight across her palm that was oozing with blood.

"Shit Ade! Here, put something over it!" His expression was horrific, he was staring at her wide eyed. Then gave her a towel and went storming off to find the aid kit. He returned with it and came rushing over and washed the wound, taking care of it with gentle hands and through this whole process, Ade was staring at him. She watched her hand for a while but the expression on Jay's face was unfathomable. She was searching his expression and all she could find was fear and guilt. Once he bandaged her hand, he touched her forearm gently.

"Are you ok? I'm really sorry about the shitty plates. I swear-" he broke off in reaction to Ade's tender hands touching his face.

Her face radiated off beauty. She broke out into smile but no words came out. There was no need.

"Thanks, Jay."

He couldn't resist; he drew her in for a kiss. At first, she was so startled she didn't respond. But slowly, she accepted and her hands snaked around Jay's neck, making his heart soar. The feel of her body on his, started a crazy desire within him and he was struggling to keep himself from holding her forever. His eyes were dark with desire now as he pulled back to look at her. Her lips looked plump and red. Jay started trembling, in results to control his body's needs and suddenly threw himself back. As much as he didn't want to, he let her go because once he started he wouldn't stop.


"What's wrong?" Ade questioned befuddled, as her eyes darted over his shivering form. But they made to look at his face to see his eyes closed tightly as if in protest and his mouth stretched into a thin line.

"Go, Ade."

That was all she needed: she sprinted off to her bedroom and shut the door with a big thud. He threw himself back onto the sofa, cursing himself with intensity. His heart turned over and over, his mind felt numb with desire and anger at himself. His reaction to her body scared him. He sat back up again, resting his head in hands, taking deep breaths. Once he had calmed himself, he walked over to Ade's door and gave three knocks.

"Ade can I come in?"

She came over, her gentle padding against the floor like music to Jay's ears. She opened the door, and Jay saw the embarrassed, flushed look on her face.

"I'm sorry, that was out of line. It's probably because my head is a mess ever since yesterday." He admitted, though his mind was screaming the other.

"It's ok..." Her face showed how confused and to be frank, she looked scared.

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