Beautiful Liar

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Jay tapped his thigh impatiently, his gaze often landing on his watch. It was nearing 7, and she wasn't getting out of her room anytime soon.

"How long?"

"In a MINUTE!" She snapped, making him chuckle slightly. After a long 5 minutes, the door opened. He turned towards it, completely stunned. She was wearing a dark blue jumpsuit, her hair tied up carelessly, strands of hair falling about her face. A cream leather jacket wrapped her frame, with cream heels accompanying her feet. Once again, he was shocked into silence.

"Come on then, let's get going!" She ran around turning the lights off, picking up her keys. She glared at him waiting for his long awaited reply. After another minute of gawping, he cleared his throat.

"Yeah, yeah." He stood up and threw his black leather jacket around him, as he ran a hand over his hair. He walked over to her a threw her a perfect smile.

"Lead the way, beautiful." He gestured for her to lead the way and when she did, -as it was dark- she went the wrong way, resulting in his arm snaked around her waist, leading her to his car.

"Don't get too excited!" She chided, slapping his hand away.

"I can't help myself, your too hot." He flashed her a mischievous grin as he opened his car door.

She groaned as she let out a growl of frustration. "Shut up." She threw open the door and sat down grumpily.

He laughed a little joining her in the car. "I'm just messing around, Ade." He turned on the ignition as he rested back into the seat. He smirked when Ade blushed.

"Ugh just get going, will you?" She said moodily, looking out of the window.

"You're the one who suggested the idea!" He glanced sideways, to see her shuffling around. He reversed out of the parking space and soon, was on the road. Jay glancing at her every now and again, decided to speak up.

"Did you get out of the wrong side of bed this morning?," A devilish thought occurred to him, "or maybe it was just you missing me in your bed?" He threw her a wicked smile as she hit him hard on the shoulder.

"My god. The amount of cheese that drip from your lines is scary." She glared at him.

"Just admit it."

"I won't 'cause it isn't true." Ade smiled reluctantly when he laughed. He glanced sideways to see her eyes shining with laughter, the amusement tugging at her lips. He lost himself in his thoughts once again due to Ade's expression. He loved her so much it hurt. So much it made him reckless in everything he did. But she was the reason he was still breathing and walking: the fact that she could pull him back from depths even he himself didn't know. Her ableness to give him light when all he saw was dark. Her sweet laughter always seemed to remedy his mind and his heart, and her eyes simply bewitched his being; when he looked at her eyes, he saw a fearless, compassionate, loving, caring, person that he deemed himself out of this world lucky to know. The kiss that they'd shared, knowing that she responded the way she did, made him want to fight for her, knowing despite everything, in the end, she would be by his side no matter what. A beep knocked him out of his thoughts and he finally registered Ade's thumping on his arm. The traffic light was green, and cars were passing by.

"Get the hell going you idiot!"

"Shit!" He put his foot down on the accelerator with more force than necessary, resulting in the car jerking and zooming forward.

"What's wrong with you?" Ade said disbelievingly.

"Lost in my thoughts. Again." He smiled slightly knowing Ade was burning holes into his skin with her eyes.

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