Those Who Persevere Win

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A few days later:

It was a Saturday, and after all those hard days at work, she needed some comfort. Of course Jay haunted her subconscious, she still trying to decide who to go with. She had woke up, all ready for a breakfast out with Drake. She threw a cream netted dress on, beige long boots accompanying her legs. She pulled on a denim jacket around her, and finally, her hair was done in a careless braid and she was ready to go. She phoned Drake telling him she was ready and he picked her up.

"Hey Adira! Do you like pancakes?" He turned from the driving wheel to face her.

"Hmm? Oh yeah.." Ade replied, paying no attention whatsoever. She was thinking about Jay, thinking about the kiss..

"What's wrong?" A small frown appeared on his handsome face.

"Nothing! Sorry, I'm just so caught up in my thoughts." She chuckled as she turned to look at Drake. She rested her hand atop Drake's on the gear.

"Are you sure?" He questioned her but when she simply nodded his worry increased.

"Look, I'm fine!" She smiled as she fake laughed, however seeming enough for him as he smiled at her and turned his head back to the road. When they reached the destination, he jumped out of the car and ran around to assist Ade, when there really was no reason. She smiled, as she wrapped her arms around his and entered the shop. They sat down and looked at the menu, and of course before sitting down, Drake pulled out the chair for her.

"I guess I'll have blueberry pancakes!" Ade chirped looking up at Drake who still seemed to be choosing.

"You want anything to drink with that?" Drake said happily, looking up at Ade.

"Er, Apple juice I guess." Jay suddenly popped into her head, their love for AJ couldn't help but make her chuckle.

"Whatcha laughing at?"

"Oh nothing. It's just me and Jay's kinda joke thing." She thought she saw Drake's eyes flicker at the mention of Jay's name, however she just classed it as a trick of her unsurprising mind. They both placed their orders, and waited patiently. After a moment, Drake took Ade's hand in his and held it with passion and gentleness.

"I know it's a little soon to be saying this, but I love you. I've loved you from the first day we met.." Drake pierced her with his steely gray eyes, a kind expression shown on his face. That was all the incencitive she needed: Ade leaned over the table and softly kissed Drake, her hand fluttering against his cheek. His hands made way to her face as he surrendered to her touch. Eventually, she pulled back to sit back down and gave him a dazzling smile.

"I'm so glad I met you." Ade couldn't reply with the same three words he had uttered as she was.. s-she was..

The clattering of plates and the smell of food interrupted her thoughts, she being thankful for it. She looked at Drake who was smiling at her lovingly, then she took her plate in her hands and put it down in front of her. She started eating, aswell as Drake. Once she was done, she took a sip of her AJ before resting back onto her seat.

"Boy, that was awesome!" She let out a chuckle as she looked at Drake who was still happily eating his eggs. Once he was done, he payed -of which Ade refused to let him, but then reluctantly obliged- and they both made their way out to the car. She got into the car, all ready to go. Drake got in, and before he started driving, he pulled Ade into a kiss. She smiled against his lips, before returning a kiss of her own. Suddenly she imagined herself kissing Jay, therefore throwing herself backwards.

"What's wrong?" Drake drawled, looking confused.

"U-uh sorry.. Bad breath?" Ade laughed it off, before returning to her thoughts about Jay.

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