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It was late into the evening and Ade was making dinner for both of them. Jay had gone out to go have a walk to clear his head. Ade's mind was racking it self for an explanation for what happened this morning. He never would do this due to drinking, he respected her too much. So why had he done it? When he did, she was even more surprised at herself when she accepted. She leaned against the worktop, folded her arms, deep in thought. She happened to catch a glimpse of Jay walking towards the door through the window. She watched his confidant stance and the hard expression on his face. She turned around to pick up the food and walked to the sofa, and put it down. When the door opened she donned a gentle expression on her face while inside she felt the complete opposite.

"I thought you would never come!" Ade exclaimed, surprised at the good cover over her face.

"Sorry, just got distracted along the way. This dirty old man was clinging onto me like a piece of gum." Jay's expression disheartening and his tone of voice cold.

"Well, anyway I made us some dinner!"

He silently made his way over to the sofa and sat down and started eating. No word came from him, nothing to tell her he was alright. After a while, Jay went to have a shower. Ade was sat on the sofa, staring at her phone. Some time later, he came out of the bathroom. Jay was evidently shivering with the cold. She went over to him grabbed his arms and started pulling at his arm.

"Come over here you idiot!" Ade shouted and he surprisingly let her take him but what she didn't know was that his towel around his waist was slowly coming off.

"Fuck! Ade! ADE!" Jay was shouting now and it made no sense.

"WHAT?" She snapped with a furious look but that was short lived; the towel was on the floor. Ade eyes travelled down his chest and stopped right below his abdomen and that's when her eyes rolled. She was speechless for a moment; she had her mouth covered and her eyes wide. He was proudly standing there in all his glory, smirking for all it was worth.

"COVER YOURSELF UP YOU DIRTY FREAK!" Ade was screaming now and turned around with such ferocity. Jay was roaring with laughter as he took the towel of the floor and tied it securely around his waist.

"ARE YOU DECENT?!" Ade shouted over her shoulder.

"Yep yep. Huh. Did you like what you saw there?" Jay voice barely suppressing his amusement.

"Shut up you dirty-minded fo-" Ade was interrupted by Jay which had engulfed her in a hug so warm and tantalising all her anger and frustration went up into smoke. Ade chuckled, her fists pounding against his chest.

"Get off me! Go get changed you-you!..."

"Dirty idiot?"


Jay walked away still barely keeping himself upright from all the laughter. Ade was thankful for this little interruption, yet not the torturing, TRAUMATISING experience she just ever so unfortunately endured. She felt like things were back to normal. But obviously not the normal way to do things she thought to herself.

"I'm decent now. You can look Adiwa." Jay said as he strolled back into the room with a proud smile on his handsome face.

"Oh haha. No shame? You just got stripped bare and you don't give a damn?"

"No, that's what I live for babe." Jay casually added, feeling no less confident.

"You dirty fool, whom just walkes around like a big man-"

He was laughing and she couldn't help but smile along with his laughter. He looked so handsome and his smile was beautiful. She was hardly surprised at herself, seeing as she had these thoughts occurred to her almost every day. But she couldn't EVER be with him. Their friendship was too great and there was too much at stake.

"Right well, I'm going to bed. I'm really tired, with plates crashing, making food, having to see that abomination to mankind-"

"Yeah, I get ya Ade. Just go. Night lovely." Jay said casually. She walked off to her bedroom, leaving a dressed Jay on the sofa. He was really tired too after today. He laid down on the sofa resting his head on top of his arm. He stared at the ceiling and slowly he went to sleep.

Later, he woke to the sound of Ade's cursing as she ran around the house. He woke up, a worried look on his face. As he walked out into the hallway which led to the bathroom and Ade and Jay's bedrooms, he saw her running about closing the windows. She had a short nightgown that barely covered her thighs. Her hair was, of course, displayed beautifully. As she got to the kitchen, her belt around her nightgown caught in the door. She didn't see the stairs amid her frustration and nearly fell. Jay caught her but her nightgown had opened to reveal her and it's goddess like body. Jay had took her in his arms, his arm under her knees and the other on the small of her back. Her legs were milky and smooth as silk. His eyes travelled over her form and he was mesmerised. He thought he knew she was beautiful but not to that extent. She was staring up into his eyes and looked speechless but yet not embarrassed. Her eyes ran over his muscular chest and his hair which was ruffled. Jay immediately set her on her feet and she quickly wrapped her belt around her nightgown and they stood there gazing at each other for a mere moment before Ade continued shutting the windows.

"My God, your beautiful.." The words escaped his mouth before he could stop. Ade's head cocked right around, slowly with the rest of her body.

"Thanks..." Ade started shuffling towards her room.

"Wait Ade! You don't understand. I think about you all the time. When you had that incident I wished that could've been me. My reaction back there? I was stopping myself from going crazy with desire. The past few months, I've started feeling this way. You don't have to say anything if you don't wanna. I-" Damn those three words.

Ade avoided his gaze for a while. However later she looked at him.

"What we've got, Jay, it's too much to risk. Were such good friends and if something happens while we're together we would lose that friendship." Ade's inner voice was screaming at her to say the other. But she knew what she had to do. For both of them. He could see the hurt in her eyes and he nodded, understanding her reasons.

She went to her room and shut the door gently. Jay was frozen. He didn't know what to do with himself, what he was thinking, he didn't know how to control.

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