A shattered heart

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After a few moments of gathering herself, Ade washed her face, shook her head to rid herself of any thoughts that might enter her mind. To be honest, Ade didn't even want to go back into the pub. She didn't want to face her friends and most of all, Jay. However much she wanted to crawl into the toilet and drown herself, she had to go out and deal with them. She took a deep breath, opened the putrid bathroom door and stepped out. She searched around for them and finally spotted them drinking at the bar. She nervously walked up to them and sat down next to Aria.

"So, what was that then?" Aria whispered into Ade's ear.

" I dunno. I've been doing stupid things around him lately, and I don't know what to do." Ade drawled.

"What kind of stupid things?" Aria asked getting interested.

"Well, for example, the other day me and Jay here went for a walk and ended up laying on a bed of grass and sleeping there the whole night. Another thing, he held my hand as were laying down. To be frank, I quite liked it." Ade admitted, looking at Aria and suddenly they both burst out into fits of giggles. After they had composed themselves, Aria struggled to put a serious face on.

"It seems as though Adiwa here like Jay!" Aria said, loud enough so that the boys could here.

"Pipe down, would you?!" Ade scolded, while having a wide grin on her face.

"It's not like that, me and him have been friends for ages. Why would we start liking each other now? And even if I did, I'm sure he wouldn't like me back."

"Well, I don't know about that. He always seems to stare at you while your around and out of no where he would start talking about you, and describe you in the most poetic sentences... This is what I've heard from Brandon and his friends."

Ade was shocked to the very core. She didn't expect any words like that to come out of her mouth and most of all, his. She was simply, speechless. She would open her mouth to talk but no words would come out, therefore making Ade look like a fish. She turned around to see Jay looking at her. They both had a little staring contest, both with no doubt searching each other's expression. Ade admired how Jay's hazel eyes shimmered in the light and the how his soft, brown hair was scruffy which made him look all the more irresistible.

Jay searched Ade's face looking for a flaw, but saw none. Her eyes were boring holes into his agonising hazel ones. He swept his eyes over her form, unaware of the world around him. However as soon as Brandon's voice became audible to him, he quickly looked away. He didn't want her to think he was obsessed.

Ade continued watching him, even as he looked away. Watching his body language, how his muscles taughtened, how the ticking of his jaw increased. He seemed as if he was holding something back. She racked her brain trying to think of reasons why he would do that. She was about to look away from him, thinking that he wouldn't think of me like that but suddenly a girl came sauntering up to him and she seemed to be very drunk. She dragged him up onto the dance floor but he didn't refuse. The sight alone made her skin crawl which caught her by surprise. They were very intimate and the girl pressed her back into Jay's chest and his hands made way up her waist under the girls skimpy shirt. He was very drunk. He normally wouldn't do anything else like this. Brandon and his friends hooted and jeered but that was far from what Ade was feeling. She felt like her eyes were burning.

Jay went along with her however much he wanted Ade. Thinking that going with this disgusting, slutty girl who stank which in stark contrast to Ade who always smelled of blossoms and citrus would take his mind off Ade. He wanted to take Ade in his arms and hold her forever and never let go. He himself wanted knew that he was drunk but he carried on despite the fact. Every time he looked at the girl, he saw Ade's face. He took her face In his and drew them into a passionate kiss. When he realised that it was not Ade, he threw her away and yet she latched her onto him. When he finally got the girl to let go, he turned around to look at Ade talking and what seemed to be flirting with another guy. His eyes nearly rolled back into his head. His entire body filled with envy and rage. He stormed off to the bathroom. When he finally got there, he held his head as if to keep himself from going crazy. He thrust his fist into the mirror, looking at himself through the shattered shards. It reflected his shattered heart. He knew his feelings were unfair and she could do anything she wanted, however much he didn't want her to. When did he develop such strong feelings for her? And whenever he thought of her with another man his mind and entire being shivered with anger and the words were sour on his mouth. He wanted to rid himself of these thoughts. Why did this have to happen now?

Just why?

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