Bleeding Ecstasy

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He glanced this way and that, tapping his leg impatiently, Jay was anxious for Ade to get back. She had been gone for 2 hours now and he was getting worried. He knew he was being overly unfair about her, but he couldn't control himself, hence his stressed out state. Three knocks at the door set him marching towards it; he flung it open only to see Brandon's lean body resting against the doorframe. He sighed exasperatedly, and gestured for Brandon to come in, however completely unoticing his curious expression. Jay sat down and eventually rested his head in his hands.

"Yo, Jay. What the hell's wrong with you? You've been acting weird for a while now," Brandon questioned, as he lid into the seat beside him.

"Hm? Oh nothing. I'm fine," He sighed heavily as he rested back into the couch and closed his eyes.

"I'm not taking that bullshit for an answer. Now answer me properly." Brandon fixed his scrutinising eyes on Jay face, his gaze full on.

"I'm fine Brad! What can I say? Should I say that I can't have what I want? Should I say that my heart skips beats every time I see her? She's off limits." A slight tremor hit his already unstable voice as he sank into his thoughts.

"Ade? No wonder," Brandon mumbled, an expression eclipsing his face as he seemed to mull over what was whirring in his head.


"We knew it... I knew it... Your i-in love with Adira!" He stuttered as if he couldn't believe what he himself was saying.

The outright confession from Brandon caught him by surprise. He hadn't said it out loud or thought of it, but he was undeniably telling the truth. This wasn't some school boy crush, oh no, that wasn't it. He would jump on front of a speeding train for her. He would straight up die for her.


"There's no point denying in now, Jay. Now's not the time to start lying. When did this start?"

Jay sighed defeatedly and sat up and faced Brad.

"A couple of months ago, man. I don't even know what to do, what to think. She's got my head spinning around."

"Yeah, I started wondering about it at the pub, and ever since then. Your little spice up with Ade on the dance floor confirmed it." Brandon smirked at Jay's feeble attempt to punch his shoulder. He rested back into the couch and sighed.

"She's out on a date."

The words poured out of his mouth however much sour they tasted in his mouth. He waited for a snarky remark from Brandon, but there was none. Finally, he looked at Brandon who sat wide eyed looking at him with utter disbelief.

"Er-wh-I thou- WHAT?" Brandon clearly struggled to get the words out of his mouth, and sat back into the couch and ran a shaking hand through his soft, light brown hair. His dark brown eyes gazed at the ceiling and Jay just stared at him with an amused expression.

"What's wrong with you? I'm the one who should be having a fit!" Jay said a smile plastered across his face while he looked at a dumbstruck Brad.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just, you know, really, surprised that she would do that. I thought that she liked you too.."

"What? She liked ME too? Where did that theory come from?" Jay suddenly felt a spark of hope flare in his empty chest.

"The way she acted with you... It's pretty obvious." Brad said in a unsteady voice while slowly getting up in result to his stumbling everywhere. He fumbled for his jacket and made for the door.

"Sorry man, I have to go. I'll talk to you later yeah?" He didn't give time to a confused Jay to say anything as the door slammed. Something heave thudded against the outside of the door as if he had just Brad fallen back onto it.

Jay's dumbfounded eyes stared at the door deep in confusion. What was that? As soon as he mentioned the word date, he looked he'd been given a slap. Why did he care so much? Jay started having dark thoughts slither into his head but he quickly shook them off as he yet again sank into his worrying thoughts about Ade.

Brad pov:

How could he let himself do this? How unfair can he get? He couldn't have what he wanted and he shouldn't have gotten it. But how long had he dreamed of this? He rested his heavy head against the door as his heart felt like it was being ripped open. The tears that longed to pour out turned themselves inwards and sliced his heart. It bled with ecstasy and left his heart screaming for release of this daily torture that consumed him day and night. The woman of his dreams that haunted his existence: Adira.

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