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Ade woke up, suddenly coming to realisation that she was curled up in Jay's arms, her head resting against his chest. It was as if they matched. She just fitted into him, like a piece of a jigsaw. It was dawn, and the sun was slowly ascending into the sky. He could hear the gentle snores coming from Jay and she inwardly chuckled.

"He really needs to get that sorted out." Ade thought to herself.

She felt so safe in his arms. She had never had feelings like this before and was far away from admitting them.

"This is what happens when you live with a boy long enough." She reassured herself and closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his chest beating harmonious with hers. Whenever she was near him, her judgement went straight out the window and she constantly did things that would send most men retreating, but no, Jay wasn't like that. He wouldn't leave her for the world.

"You awake?" Jay mumbled, still half asleep.

"Yep. Awesome sleep, huh?"

" Oooh! Adiwa likes sleeping with me! We should do this more often." He said with a suggestive quirk of the eyebrow.

"What, looking like homeless people on the side of the road? No. I've got a home to go to." She laughed and noticed Jay smirking.

"Well, we wouldn't be out here all the time. Unless you want to? I mean, I'm a pretty good be-" He was cut across by Ade who was now thumping against his arm. His eyes were twinkling with mischief.

"Yeah, yeah! I know! Shut up! Where's my Oreos when I need them?" Ade said a frown assembling between her brow.

"I'm off. You can stay here, checking out girls. I'm going to be the sensible one and go home. You coming?"

"Yeah, I'll be right there."

Jay got up and started walking towards the house. When he finally got home, he saw Ade eating breakfast in the kitchen. He strolled up to the counter and sat down.

"You left me any?" His stomach was now grumbling and shouting hunger. The eggs alone made him drool, but the sausage and the beans...

"Yeah, it's on the counter detective."

He scrambled over to it, nearly tripping over his own legs. He put his plate of food down on the table and started eating like a ravenous dog.

"Hey! Calm down would you? You're getting food everywhere!" Ade's eyes were searching the table, registering very bit of food that was so beautifully displayed by the rabid fool sitting across her.

"Such a idiot." Ade grumbled, but loud enough to make Jay break out into roaring laughter.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Ow stop it!" By now, Ade had picked up her Oreos and was launching them at Jay with no remorse at all. After gaining satisfaction, Ade sniffed proudly and put the Oreos down, but much to her chagrin she saw she had none left because she wasted them all on him.

"Arghhhh!! You made me waste my Oreos on you!" Ade screeched. Jay was busy clearing himself of the crumbs and finally after some time, got rid of them.

"No shit, Sherlock." Jay mumbled and got up and walked to the fridge. He frantically searched for Apple Juice and found a tiny bit left in the carton.

"Mother of-"

"You gotta be kidding me." Jay grumbled, slamming the fridge door and sitting back down with a expression of a angry 2 year old.

"You bloody finished it?!"

"Yeah, sorry about that. You CAN get more, y'know."

Jay picked up his beeping phone, ignoring her.


"Hey, it's me, Brandon. I was thinking we could get together with the boys and go to the pub? You can bring Adira too if you want." Brandon said.

" Heah I'll see if she's up to it. Ade would you wanna go down to the pub with me and the boys?" Jay shouted.

"Erm, yeah as long as my friends can come too.." Ade compromised and soon Jay replied with a:

"Hell yeah! Tuesday ok?" He asked Brandon and with a swift answer, hung up the phone.

Best of Friends [COMPLETE] *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now