Chapter 3: The start of rebellion

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Danny fell on his face. Sounds not very heroical or inspiring, but that's what exactly happened. He fell down in mud.

"Flames," he muttered, getting up and phasing off the wet soil.

'Isn't your best landing, huh, kid?' Bogan didn't wait long.

"Yeah, but definitely not the worst," Danny laughed.

'Your optimism is very inspiring,' Ashla commented. 'How is a little nestling doing?'

Danny then remembered that they weren't alone. He opened a small pile of clothing he was holding, where birdie was lying, croaking dreary.

"Hey, bud," Phantom took out a nutrient bar, "It might be different from what you are used to eat, but it should do for now."

'I'm still curious, how in the name of the Force did you manage to save this one?' Bogan asked.

The bird bit a small piece without much eager, but still munched and ate it.

'Young one's family was fending with worms for many years, just like their ancestors evere since almost everything died above the surface. Probably that's why she isn't so picky with food. Her parents have died in Force storm just yesterday.'

'Still, do you realize that you just fed one of the most ferocious carnivores of Tython with nutriet bar, kid?'

"The last of his kind, nevertheless," Danny argued, putting the nestling on one of the boxes. "Sam always said that there are no animals which cannot be tamed if you raise them yourself. I never believed that, our planet has plenty examples which prove otherwise, but I think it is still worth a shot."

Phantom rubbed the head of a creature gently, and to surprise of everyone she nuzzled against his finger. Danny smirked slightly.


He covered the nestling with a piece of clothing, putting a nutrient bar beside, so she could eat as much as she wanted. Phantom walked to the nearest edge, in order to get a look on his surroundings. It was a tropical forest, a good contrast with a bare wastleland he had seen just before. The smell alone felt mesmerizing, and the view from such a height was amazing.

'You done enjoying the view, boy?'

Danny raised his eyebrow. "What's so bad in it, it's not like I'm in any hurry."

'It may be so, Danny, but you have to start already.'

"Start on what?"

'Don't tell me you've forgotten everything we've told you mere hours ago,' Bogan groaned. 'You know, all this speach about the importance of balance.'


'UGH! You really are clueless.'

"Nope, I'm just messing with you. I DO remember, but I don't know where exactly to start."

'Just listen to the Force, and it shall lead you,' Ashla answered before her brother could throw a tantrum. Danny chuckled.

"This galaxy lives so simple," he said, before closing his eyes and reaching for the Force. Two beings were now standing near him.

'Sorry for an indecent question, but where exactly are we?'

"This planet is called Valor'rum," Danny told, making slow and gracious movements, put inside his brain after the beings' 'settling in'. It was meant to concentrate the Force around. He will attempt to unite with it, and maybe something will happen. Phantom wasn't the fan of a method of scientific pointing, but it's not like he had much of a choice.

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