Chapter 38: Confederate in-game

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It was always noisy in Jabba's Palace, except for the rare moments when its owner was asleep. It wasn't one of them. As usual, the main room of what used to be a monastery and what now was a home of the biggest crime lord of the Galaxy was filled with scum of different sorts. Bounty Hunters, other kinds of mercenaries, who were busy with gambling games and ogling at the pretty female dancers, whom their master had graciously showed.

In the center of the room lied the host himself. A massive slug with green wrinkly skin, short chubby hands and nonexistent neck. He was very tall, about two meters, very impressive, considering he didn't have legs at all. The crime lord was quiet, he simply enjoyed smoking through the small pipe, connected to the glass tube filled with a green liquid. Jabba was in a relatively good mood, his son was returned, and the traitor behind all of this would be soon delivered into his welcoming arms. Of course, Jabba would prefer Dooku, but it was impossible to get the Sith. Ziro, on the other hand...

Suddenly he heard a slight crash up the wide staircase through the music. Soon a few Ugnaughts, green pig like creatures, rolled down with a characteristic whines. They were actually the guards. The musicians stopped playing jizz, which was basically the same thing as jazz. Soon a figure went down on a steady pace, followed by an orange droid. The mercenaries' hands reached for their blasters as the newcomer went into the room. Jabba raised his nonexistent eyebrow.

"Greetings, Mighty Jabba," the newcomer said, bowing slightly. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

Jabba puffed a green smoke from his mouth. The guest obviously seemed uncomfortable with the smell. "Who are you?" The crime lord asked in Huttese.

The guest took off the hood, revealing himself.

"I trust you heard about me," Danny smirked.

"I did."

At Jabba's glance the mercenaries took out the blasters and pointed them at the ghost.

"Not exactly the welcome I hoped for," Danny deadpanned.

"Your lightsaber. Now," Jabba narrowed his eyes.

The protocol droid stepped forward, outstretching its hand. Phantom calmly took his weapon and threw it to the droid. With a metal clank the sword hit it in the head, because the droid wasn't able to catch the weapon. Phantom chuckled while almost immobile machine was trying to pick it. No one could understand why he was so chill in this situation.

"You are very brave to come here, Phantom," the Hutt commented. "I thought I made it clear that I don't want to have anything with the Confederacy. Especially after Count Dooku kidnapped my Punky Muffin."

Danny gritted his teeth in order to hold the laughter inside. Oh, big bad crime lord was such a loving father.

"You are still alive only because you are the enemy of Ziro."

"Ah, yes, I took his planet, now I remember," Danny put a hand on his chin. "I have no personal quarrels with you or the Hutt Cartel, Mighty Jabba. Neither I am on the Confederacy business. This issue is more...private. Of course, if this isn't of any bother to you."

Phantom knew that the Hutts never run away from a good deal. Jabba hummed in thought, understanding that Danny was right. Phantom hasn't done anything to him. At the slug's gesture all blasters were lowered.

"Speak," he commanded.

"As I said, this matter is private, sir. And I'd like to speak alone."

"This is not going to happen."

Danny sighed. "Can't you at least leave only the most trusted guards? I don't want the information to get out of here."

Jabba finally nodded and only three mercenaries remained in the room, while the others waited outside. Phantom smirked and looked at the Hutt.

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