Chapter 8: Usurper. Part II

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Phantom was gazing down on the city below him. When you are busy with such an activity, a lot of philosophical thoughts tend to come to mind. There was nothing out of place in this situation. He leaned against the metal bars, which served the purpose of preventing the fall from the roof of seven story building. Bypassers may have noticed the silhouette up there, but the dark robes didn't let anyone see his face. Danny saw the soldiers passing through the streets.

Their actions disgusted him. For example, they confiscated trade goods simply because the government changed how the special papers are signed, and obviously failed to inform the citizens. The traders were unscathed as long as they obeyed and silently watched how their today dinner has been taken away. It pained Danny to the depths of his icy core, which despite its name was warmer than the hearts of the soldiers in black and orange.

He couldn't help them. He will reveal himself too soon. His obsession was literally trying to push him down the roof. Such things never were a good sign for a ghost. If he was ignoring his obsession, it meant that he was going against the only thing keeping him alive, or undead for that matter. Well, that was a price for being immortal. He heard what happened with the ones who went against it. They simply faded into oblivion after a while. But Danny wasn't defying it, he was simply trying to ignore it until he fulfills it.

Soon he will make this bloodthirsty regime pay for everything they had done. Phantom got a glimpse of movement inside the building on another side of the road. He knew it was one of his men. The owner of the apartment generously offered them to take position in there, even if he knew that any tank or walker could turn his home into dust. That selfless act was very inspiring and it was only one of many. It made Danny believe that everything might work out.

Just as this thought crossed his mind, Phantom's communicator went off.

"Commander, we have done what you said. We are ready to go," Haseas said.

"I hope it went without any trouble," Danny responded.

"Well, despite this bratty commando, everything is fine."

Phantom sighed, rubbing his temples.

'How could I forget about that?' He asked no one in particular.

"Look, Haseas, I understand everything. Worry not, betraying us is the last thing he wants. I happened to stumble upon some dirty blackmail against him."

"What is it?"

"Get to the point," Danny said seriously, fully understanding why the older man needed this information. 

"We have just passed the inspection. They hadn't suspected a thing, but there were a few close calls. The inspectors gave us the route we must go..." Haseas obviously was looking down at the PDA. "We need to move at 11:00 and enter the city from the eastern road."

"Do you know the exact shedule of arrivals?"

"No, boss."

"Hmm...fine, take your free time to get accustomed to the machines. There must be no flaws, am I clear?"

"Crystal. Signing off."

Danny turned off the communicator, his lips forming a thin line. Everything seemed to be going fine so far, but Phantom knew his luck too well. Call him paranoid, but the fate, or the Force, always played dirty with him. Being cautious saved him many times before. And one time he let his guard down, he ended up being caught, dissected and killed. But he won't repeat the same mistake ever again. Danny looked at the PDA and remotely turned off the mines on the eastern road.

Phantom then went down to the streets, carefully avoiding the police and occasional soldiers. He couldn't help but grin once he saw his holoprojection with a single word 'Wanted' under it. Fear has very big eyes, it was both advantage and disadvantage for the ghost teen. It made the rebellion look like a bigger threat to the goverment than it actually was. It could inspire people to join their cause, but on the other hand, the empire may start building up more than the rebels could handle.

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