Chapter 50: Claim by right

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A.N. We made it to fifty chapters, congratulations! *blows party horn*

"Oh, god," Danny muttered as he started to hyperventilate, gripping the edge of the stone bed. "Oh, god!" He exclaimed.

The Nightsisters were silent. They were just as shocked as the ghost was. The fact that the son of the most powerful and menacing Sith Emperor outlived his father for over three millennia was stunning. Yes, Danny had one hell of a family. His mind was racing, so many questions appeared in his mind as he couldn't even decide on which one to think. But he managed to regain his composure and take a sigh. Danny looked at the witches. And he sensed fear.

"No one must know about this, am I clear?"

He received multiple nods. Danny decided to leave Dathomir, he had far more pressing matters in hands. His heritage gave a lot of opportunities, but just as many dangers. The Jedi would kill him on sight. And, honestly speaking, the Sith didn't hold much love for Valkorion either. The Emperor was a vengeful person. After his Sith Empire failed and his old body was killed, Valkorion destroyed what remained of it for its failures, using the resources of his new Eternal Empire. But there was one place which could benefit his son's country.

"My Lord, may I ask a question?"

Phantom shrugged on his seat. "Go ahead, Grand Admiral," he urged Thrawn to continue.

"I'm yet to hear why we are going to the edge of the Galaxy."

The Chiss had long since understood that he could openly speak his mind to his monarch. And Phantom often listened.

"Simple. Zakuul is right out there. And that planet is so sickeningly rich that it alone can fund our Empire. It holds the riches of both the Sith Empire and the Republic. And even after that pathetic 'Eternal Alliance' took all aurodium kept outside of the planet, I suspect that something was kept in secret. Valkorion was pompous, but he was not a fool."

Thrawn raised an eyebrow, fixing his white uniform. "May I ask for the details? After all, you have taken only Hyperion, so you are not going to acquire it by force, obviously."

"You are right as always. I have a trump card down my sleeve. I hope it is going to work. That depends."

"On what?"

"Whether the Intelligence reports are right or not."

Despite the tyranny of the Emperor, the people of Zakuul lived more happily than ever before during his reign. He was the one to turn the uncivilized tribes into the citizens of the most advanced planet-state. It was time for the true heir to return and claim the Eternal Throne.

The enormous dreadnought came out near the planet. It had three moons and was generally filled with jungles and swamps. Lower half of the planet was covered by the enormous ocean. But there was also a huge city, filled with narrow pillar structures, some of which even reached space. The Spire was the city's name. The biggest pillar was where the Throne was located. But Danny suspected that the place was abandoned. Why would Consul need the regalia of the monarch?

There was a bunch of the ships, but nineteen kilometers long Hyperion made them look tiny in comparison. Danny leaned back in his seat. The Eternal Fleet had been destroyed long ago.

"Try to establish communication with them," Phantom ordered. "We don't need them to fear us."

"That's why you have taken the most threatening ship of the Imperial Navy," Thrawn said dryly.

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