Chapter 48: The aftermath

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No one could ever imagine seeing Phantom like this. Broken, in tears, ignoring that he was not alone. The Jedi were at loss about what to do. Anakin and Obi-Wan, asking his older friend for the further course of action. But he was silent, feelings of sorrow and pain were radiating off the ghost in unspeakable amounts. Surprisingly, that was Danny who spoke first.

"Are you going to stand there?" He asked in the almost emotionless voice. He didn't even look their way.

"It is our duty to arrest you, Phantom, you are wanted for your crimes against the Republic."

Danny got up on his legs and stared at the republicans with a neutral expression. "I'm not in the mood for debates about what my crime is. It is not up to you, mortals, to decide."

"Not you too," Anakin groaned. "We just saw you kill one of these 'gods'."

"Even gods can be slayed. You are mortal, can you live through what I have?" Danny lazily pointed around himself, still sounding emotionless. And indeed, the destruction was evident. "Just what I thought. Now, if you excuse me..."

"You aren't going anywhere."

Danny's hand flickered with red smoke. "Is this a threat, general? You want to beat someone who has wiped the floor with the one who did the same to you? I'm not too keen on making you my subjects in that meaning."

They didn't get what he had meant, until the realization dawned upon them.

"What did you mean by the 'Lord of the dead'?"

"Exactly what you have heard. I'm yet to bring all of the undead under my rule, but I don't have time for this. No one has canceled the war," he made a jab, reminding about who had called off the negotiations.

"This is ridiculous," Anakin said.

Danny then dissappeared in a cloud of smoke. Phantom stepped out in the accursed building where the tragedy had happened. The crown was gone from his head as he went forward. Surprisingly, there was no one else inside. Danny heard quiet sobbing. He sighed heavily, Dani hadn't run off as he had told her. But the newly proclaimed Ghost King wasn't going to blame his baby girl. Even he hadn't experienced something like that, to lose someone so precious, especially for the eight years old child - her caring mother.

Danny kneeled near his daughter, the rustle of his cape caught Dani's attention. She turned her red face to her father and lunged into his arms, quietly sobbing into his shoulder. She never felt safer than in his loving embrace. Phantom hugged his little girl, as tight as he could without causing her any discomfort, he unconsciously feared more than ever to lose his small bundle of joy and happiness. The very thing which kept him going against all odds. He was her father, and he wanted to see how Dani grew up and achieved the greatness surpassing his own. He knew she would.

"Don't leave me, Daddy," Dani begged.

The ghost's core melted at her words, he hugged her even tighter, if that was even possible. "I promise, my little phantom. I will always be with you."

They sat like this for a few minutes without saying a word, holding each other. But after a while Dani's sobbing subdued, her breath became steady. She had fallen asleep. Situating the girl in his hands, Danny brought himself to face at the heartbreaking sight. He slowly moved Komand's locks away from her closed eyes and her beautiful face. She felt so cold. Phantom felt a lump shoved down his throat, as he held himself from another breakdown.

Why? Why everyone he loves should die?

"I never break my promises, Komy," Danny mumbled as a tear went down his eye. "I won't let any harm come to our baby."

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