Chapter 62: The Empire has come

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The outskirts of the Republic rarely witnessed any activity. Not even the Confederacy paid attention to them, because the systems they guarded didn't have any vital importance. Yavin four was such an outpost. The Gordian reach - a rather large sector wasn't yet attacked by the Separatists, at least not massively. But the Jedi held their positions on the moon of gas giant Yavin, full of tropical forests and the Dark Side. It used to be one of the Sith strongholds, and even now many artifacts were being found.

Through the corridors of the orbital station walked a Jedi - a Master. Behind him was a group of clones, guarding the person they hadn't expected to see in that place. There was a figure in Mandalorian armor, painted in green and yellow, with traditional helmet and jetpack. The main problem, the person was only thirteen.

"How was I supposed to know what that thing were?" Boba exclaimed.

"You were smuggling Sith artifacts, Mr. Fett. Furthermore, your last name is on the list of wanted people," Master Kit Fisto replied, looking at the datapad. "Smuggling, murder attempt, prison escape..." he whistled. "Quite a lot for a thirteen years old."

"Like I should care what you think, Jedi," the boy spat.

Fisto sighed, his big pitch black eyes staring on the ground. Boba meanwhile glanced to the side, on the lower side of the female officer passing nearby.

"Eyes in front," the clone pushed him lightly.

"Hey, is this how you treat siblings?" Boba deadpanned. They all were clones of one man.

Suddenly Kit sensed something. Something powerful. He gasped and put a hand on his forehead.

"You alright, sir?" The clone trooper asked.

"I sense something..." The Jedi approached the large illuminator.

The darkness of space seemed to be undisturbed. But then, in a split second the hyperspace hurled the ships of all kinds: cruisers, corvettes and even dreadnoughts, which had been recently stamped in the Star Forge. Immediately they opened fire, and under a torrent of blasts the entire station shook. The Star-fighters flew past the windows on quick speeds.

"What the heck?!" One of the clones exclaimed.

"Those are the ships of Protectorate," Fisto commented, before scrutinizing his eyes. "Give me binocular, quick!"

The clone obeyed the command and tossed the device to the Jedi. Fisto zoomed closer to the ship, and symbols on the ship made him freeze in shock, disbelief and terror. The arrowed hexagon meant only one thing.

"The Sith Empire has returned."

The station shook again as the fighters made several shots at the window. "We must warn the Republic!"

"We will give you cover, sir. You ship must be able to outrun them."

"I need the hyperspace ring. It must have been damaged."

"Well..." all eyes darted to Boba. "The fastest engine is on my ship, and it has hyperdrive," he grinned. "Free me and I'll get you out."

They didn't have other options.

The ships just kept coming, the Republic didn't stand a chance against one ship, much less a solid fist of the Empire's might and pride. As the Jedi and his group ran through the corridors, he realized that all connections were being jammed. He needed to get out of the system first. It was hard to even comprehend that the country defeated four millennia ago would return, and at such horrid times. But where is the Empire, there is an Emperor. No, he was dead, that much was solid.

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