Chapter 18: The Emperor's Family

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A.N. Alright folks, you voted and I have to say I'm surprised that it is draw. Yep, eight voters for each, if I'm not mistaken. So I guess I'll find a compromise. The ship will fly, but so it won't distract from the plot, deal? DON'T KILL ME!

It was a good thing the human civilization hadn't developed well enough. Otherwise, an entire armada, consisting hundred ships, would have been spotted on the edge of Solar system. The Imperial fleet emerged near Pluto, but it was only to concentrate forces. Not that only one Star Destroyer wouldn't have been able to capture the planet, but Phantom decided to be more...delicate in that question. But first he had to debrief his subordinates. At the holographic table was projection of all the planets in the system. Near it stood several holograms of captains and admirals, who were patiently listening to what their Emperor had to say.

"Well done, gentlemen, the hyperspace jump went without a stitch," Phantom praised. "Now we can concentrate on establishing our dominance over the system. Humans never were able to travel further their own moon, but they launch special zonds to take photos of the planets. They must be avoided at all costs. We must not be spotted too early, am I clear?"

Receiving multiple nods, Danny continued. "Now, there are nine planets here, even if they don't consider this one a planet," he pointed out of illuminator at the flying rock. "Pluto is of no interest to us as well, next go Uranus, Neptune and Jupiter. Those are gas giants, send five of our ships to each and scout for any valuable gases. They must remain there till the end of campaign. Same goes for the asteroid belt and Mars. Maybe there are some useful resources. Mars also has acceptable conditions to set up an outpost, but there isn't enough oxygen, so be warned. Since it is so close to Earth, the ships you send there must remain on the back side of the planet. They can see you through telescopes."

"Here comes the most interesting part. The rest of our fleet must remain here. Only at my command you are to jump into hyperspace and come on Earth orbit. You will receive further instructions there. You are dismissed."

The holograms were turned off, and Komand approached eighteen years old ruler.

" are not going to just sit here, I take it."

Danny grinned. "You read my mind, my dear apprentice. Yes, since I know about that planet more than anyone, I'll be the most fitting candidate for this task."

"How dangerous this conquest is going to get?" She asked. Seeing Danny raising his eyebrow, Komand continued. "If there is an entire race capable of doing what you can..."

Phantom laughed. "Relax. Earth is dominated by humans, while my kind exists in...another place. I'll show you later rather than tell you. Humans aren't really different from the Yuths. Except for anatomical differences, you are very much alike. Your skin color, though...well, they will assume you spent too much time under sun."

"Does that mean I can go, too?" Komand asked hopefully. She was really curious about his homeworld.

Phantom tapped on the ground and hummed. "I don't see why not, but you have to learn the language first. Follow me," he invited.

Komand followed the Emperor to his room. There Phantom put his hands on her head, with his thumbs on her forehead. Both Force users closed their eyes. Danny was teaching her English through the Force, quite convenient ability. After a short time, he let go of his apprentice and opened his eyes, and Komand sighed tiredly, as she rubbed her forehead. When you learn an entire language in less than a minute it can prove mentally exhausting.

"Okay, go take a nap now. Once you wake up, we will go."

Komand nodded groggily, "Ugh, fine."

She lied down on a sofa. The second she closed her eyes, the apprentice started snoring loudly. Alright that part broke the peaceful image. In the meantime, Danny had to disguise himself. Phantom was presumed dead, no pun intended, and he wanted to keep it that way as long as possible. If only he was still a halfa...a lightbulb appeared above his head. He walked to his bathroom and attempted to use the Dark Side technique. That ability could hide the corruption caused by it, Danny actually wondered if he could use it to add minor changes.

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