Chapter 25: The ball

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"Danielle, stop shifting, please," Danny said.

"It hurts!" Ths girl whined, causing her father to sigh.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I'm not very good at combing hair. I mean, look at mine," Phantom pointed at his messy haircut, earning giggles from Dani.

Danny had refused an offer to let servants handle this matter. After all, he was her father, and he intended to be one. Phantom didn't want to be like one of those monarchs who leave their children completely without any attention. He will give her every ounce of love and attention she deserved and he could give. It was an important day for the entire Empire, the day when it officially gets a heiress. Danny ordered the tailor to make clothes for such occasion.

Her chest clothes were black, with bright green edges, with its black top ending right below her shoulders. She also wore dark gray skirt with fluffy ends, and a white bow tie on her chest, along with white gloves and white and green boots. Dani liked it a lot, the colors made her look like her Daddy.

Finally older Phantom came up with idea. He tried to pull the girl's long hair back, and managed to make a ponytail. Danny then used a brush and fixed the remaining hair. He took a look on his little Phantom, before a loving smile appeared on his face.

"Oh, you are so adorable!" Danny couldn't resist hugging the child and lifting her in the air. Dani hugged him in response and giggled.

"Uhm, Your Highness, it is time."

Phantom looked at the doorway and saw one of droid lackeys standing in the doorway, holding a pillow with his crown on it. Danny sighed and put the girl on the ground. "Are you ready, baby girl?" He asked.

"Aha," she nodded eagerly.

Danny took the ice crown and put it on his head, before exiting the room and walking through the corridor as Dani followed him. Near the big doors Phantom looked at the small princess clutching his arm.

"Dani, stay with this droid until I call for you, alright?"

"Alright, Daddy," the girl smiled adorably.

"I'll watch over her, My Lord."

Danny's look held an obvious message 'you better'. He turned around and opened the doors widely, walking out on a big balcony. There was already a microphone on a railing waiting for him. From the balcony he received a view over the entire huge forum. It was overcrowded with people, who cheered loudly at seeing the Emperor. When Phantom made a sign, non-verbally asking to be more quiet. The crowd listened to his request, and he started to speak.

"Dear citizens of the Empire," he greeted with his famous disarming smile. His voice reasoned across the entire square as multiple news droids floated around to get a footage, transmitting it all across the interstellar state. "I'm returning to our beautiful capital with joyous news! First, I'd like to welcome former planets of Hobl Princedom as a part of our country, as well as Solar system. Along with following the interests of the Empire while visiting it, I admit, I also pursued my own personal interests."

"I grew up on this only inhabited planet of Solar system. By visiting it again after my exile, I was confronted by the ghosts of my past. I can say that some meetings were pleasant, and some weren't. However, one meeting in particular, granted me joy beyond any measure. I've been looking for it ever since I stepped my foot on the planet's soil again. My 'departure' has been so abrupt, I didn't have time to say proper goodbyes and the most important thing to me was left in care of my close friends. It pains me that I wasn't present during the first years of her life."

That part confused most of the watching populace. Danny meanwhile gave a shining smile.

"But now my family has finally reunited again. Let me present you, Danielle Jasmine Phantom, the Crown Princess of the Empire and my daughter!"

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