Chapter 57: Enrolling the daughter and entering the tomb

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The fuss Danny made around his daughter was enormous. And annoying, even for the girl herself, who loved him with all her heart. In that aspect even the exalted Emperor was not different from thousands of families all around the Empire. To see his child go to school for the first time, it happened once in a lifetime. And since the life was going to be quite long to say the least, he wanted to remember it forever. He was even ready to face the public opinion.

He was only worried for Dani. She was going to get mobbed by mosquitoes. To be a friend of an heiress of the enormous state, a daughter of the most powerful man in the Galaxy, many would kill for such an opportunity. It was a week before the beginning of the school year, and Phantom facepalmed multiple times for not coming up with the idea sooner. He sometimes forgot that his child was only a half ghost. After all, she was 'born' and always remained in the ghost form.

Danny tried to train her to change the forms, thankfully he still remembered how to do that. So that's why he was there, in Dani's bedroom. The bright light was coming through the tall windows, reflecting off the polished black marble walls.

"Alright, kiddo. It is simple, really," Phantom kneeled near her. "You do feel how you are cold on the inside?"

The girl nodded. "Yes, Daddy."

"Now close your eyes. Imagine a burning candle, with a small little flame," Danny mumbled quietly, seeing Dani following his instructions. "It isn't warm, it is cold. By blowing on it, you only become warmer."

She blew into his face. Phantom laughed quietly.

"Not in that way, dear. Imagine that the warmth explodes within your core. Release it."

Suddenly a loud whirring sound was heard. A ring of moonshine appeared around the ghost girl's waist. It split in two and traveled up and down, changing her appearance. The glow was gone. She had raven black hair and the eyes of the most vibrant ice blue color, shown after she opened them. Dani blinked, looking at herself. Of course she couldn't see any changes, even her blue hoodie and red shorts remained the same.

"Have I done it?" She asked in confusion.

Danny smiled broadly. "Yes, sweetie, you have. Go take a look at the mirror."

The girl ran off to one of the walls. Dani seemed confused about seeing herself like this. She started making gestures and even made a funny face in order to check if it really was her. Danny approached her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"You look just like your old man," he commented softly. "When I could do this trick myself."

"Cool...Daddy, why are you teaching me this now?"

"You see...I'm worried about letting you there. I have already told you that. So if you look differently, I'll have less things to worry about. Just don't tell anybody about this. You will go under different last name, the teachers will know about who you are, but they are going to play along. Once you find trustworthy friends, you may tell them, and even invite them to come over. It shall be amusing to watch. But until then, not a word, am I clear?"

Dani nodded in understanding. Suddenly she squeaked and jumped.

"What's wrong?" Danny asked.

"There is something beating there!" The girl pointed at her chest.

The older ghost burst laughing. "That's not funny!"

"Darling, it's not like you feel the thing for the first time. It's your heart."

"But I don't have one! Mommy had, Ahsoka, too, but not me."

Phantom smiled at her, she was such a little angel. He was sure she would make a lot of nice friends. How anyone couldn't be charmed by her?

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