Chapter 6: Change in plans

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During his conversation Phantom managed to make the guards blurt out the things he wanted to know. Among that information was a mention of one massive shipyard a few systems away. It was said as a threat, something along the lines that he had no chance of winning, since they have an army and an enormous fleet. And since the rebellion now needed more space, why not to steal a dreadnought? There was one dilemma, though. No one knew how to pilot a simple starfighter, much less the dreadnought, which required hundreds of crew members.

Phantom sent his duplicate to learn more about the new ship they were constructing. And Danny was finally enjoying futuristic atmosphere around himself. However, the beginning of his journey wasn't pleasant. It was revealed to him that the shipyard was based not just near some random planet, but gas giant. He didn't know it beforehand and teleported where its surface was supposed to be. Thankfully, Danny was resourceful enough not to be turned into pancake by the planet's gravitation. He simply became intangible.

It was one of the simplest laws of physics. While intangible, he weighted absolutely nothing, and if you weight nothing, then gravity doesn't apply to you. That's why he never fell through the floor while sleeping and couldn't control his abilities, instead he floated up and fell on his bed once he woke up. That's why he always locked his door.

There was a very thick fog of unknown gas through which he couldn't see. Phantom assumed that it was night on this half of the planet. Danny made another portal and teleported higher and to the orbit. Being in vacuum felt different from simply flying. In flight he had control, here, however, he hadn't.

That was rather amusing for Danny to see how invincible he was in space. Ghosts are beings from another dimension, which works by completely different laws, and thus they are granted with immunity to many things. Even deadly coldness of space and enormous amounts of sun radiation couldn't do anything to him. Radiation affects cells of your body, but he didn't have any, only ectoplasm. And even if he was slowly turning into floating icicle, Phantom almost didn't feel anything. But all this perks didn't mean that he didn't miss being half-human.

What he saw on the planet's orbit was breathtaking. It was one megaconstruction, a huge ring about twenty miles in diameter. There were numerous ships in construction connected to it. They differed in size, starting from bigger ones, which were about 1-2 miles in length, smaller ones, about three hundred meters, and even starfighters, but they were made inside the ring, on production line, which was visible through illuminator, or some kind of energy field. Strange design decision, and very unthoughtful.

"Guess this is a shipyard," Danny said, but his voice disappeared in the vastness of space.

He then felt how his saliva got frozen. He spewed an icy chunk before shutting his mouth, and flew straight to the ring, before phasing through the wall. Phantom instantly regretted his decision. Of all the places he just needed to get into foundry. The heat was killing him. Danny used his ice powers to cool everything around himself down. He sighed in content with a dreamy grin on his face.

"Hey, what the hell just happened?"

On that Danny shot up and looked for a source of the voice. There were two workers in the same orange costumes, all covered in ash, and Phantom could only make out dull glowing red eyes one of them had. One of the workers shivered, while another, the one with red eyes didn't seem to care.

"I don't know. Probably nitrogen leak. Move on, before someone sees that we aren't working."

"But what if something blows up?"

"Not our concern, it's repair droids' job. Probably we will finally get a day out."

And with that they were gone. Danny let a sigh of relief, out of force of habit. He phased one floor lower just to get away from the intense heat. Alright, he wasn't all that invincible.

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