Chapter 23: Spreading influence

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"So, you couldn't find the hunter?" Phantom asked.

"Negative: Not a single trace. Question: Didn't you plan this out?" HK responded.

"No, what gave you that thought?"

"Explanation: You seemed to be really prepared for this. Also, it was a showcase of power and rather savage comment."

"Pal, I specialize in making savage comments," Danny deadpanned, before sighing and leaning back on his shuttle seat.

Phantom put a hand on his chin. His moment of triumph was darkened by assassination attempt. Thankfully, humans distrusted each other so much that they didn't blame the accident on him. It was a close call, the votes were placed almost precisely equal. Danny made sure to know who was voting. Against joining were monarchs, whose rule was being questioned, communists, whose dreams of communistic world were shattered, and those who had the last ruling term, because as they say 'After us even flood may happen'. Others were on his side. Of course, as a precaution Phantom possessed a few of his opponents. And now, Earth was a part of the Empire.

But his thoughts were on that particular attack. Dissidents were actually capable of getting through the blockade, sneaking in and attacking. He had to start investigation.

When they entered the hangers, Phantom quickly strolled out of his transport, but to his surprise, he saw Komand waiting for him. Before he could ask an obvious question, the woman raised her hand.

"Relax, Dani is sleeping," she explained. "I have to talk with you. It's important."

Danny blinked. "Of course..." he said slowly, following her into the corridor. "What happened?"

Komand sighed. "My father has escaped. He probably had conspired with others."

"Probably isn't the proper word. It's bluntly obvious," Phantom rubbed his temples. "It just keeps getting better."

"What happened?" Komand asked.

"Well, they hired an assassin, but he miserably failed. He planted a bomb under our shuttle, but I sensed as such and removed it. How did he get there is another question..."

"You think there can be loyalists in the fleet?"

"I don't think, I know. After all, we enlisted everyone willing without too much thought..."

"Wasn't their background checked?"

"We only checked if they are mental. I thought that after war purge we eradicated them. We have to start from high ranks, relying on those who sided with us since the beginning. They rely on my rule, shall I be gone, they will come after me. Their loyalty is unquestionable."

Komand nodded as they started walking. "So, how did it go?"

"Pretty well, we will sign a few treaties later when they finish their paperwork. We must begin excavating the ectoplasm immediately, I have already given the orders."

The Empire didn't stop businessmen from becoming richer, but the companies which specialized on excavation of resources were nationalized and now belonged to the government. It brought billions of credits to the treasury.

"So, you already know how to use it?" Komand asked.

"As a replacement for ion cannon for now. I didn't have time to think up how to implement it for turbolasers. Sadly, our scientists don't know what to do with ectoplasm, I gave them the blueprints, but they have yet to find out the details. That's why Axion Labs are getting governmental funding from now on, becoming an IRB branch. And I just remembered...I have to visit someone."

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