Chapter 10: A Jedi and his companion

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So far everything was going as planned. Danny had a feeling that the hyperspace beacon was built by chinese kids in underground facility near Shanghai for two pennys in hour. It fell apart after the first bombardment. Most probably it wasn't intended to be some powerhouse, it wasn't a battlestation, after all. Yuths' disadvantage was a small bonus to him. Unlike the 'known' galaxy, Yuths and Chisses required that beacons to travel between planets. The reason for such an unusual way of travel was the lack of astromech droids.

Besides their usual duties of repairing any damage done to the ship, they also calculated the route towards another system. Yuths had battle droids, which can even be considered to have A.I, but somewhat they lacked astromechs. Chisses didn't have any droids at all, they won all their wars with their natural intelligence, cunning and warrior skills. Something what Yuthanean generals completely lacked, apparently. It was still a mystery for Phantom how such a state could exist in so dangerous place like the Unknown Regions.

However, they needed further course of action. They may had had a powerful ship in their disposal, but going against the entire fleet was foolish. Danny had an idea about how to build a fleet for free and almost instantly.

He could use the Star Forge, if not for one thing - it was destroyed by Revan. Bogan and Ashla taught him some of the history of the galaxy, which Danny might require, from their unusual point of view. They sided with their side, of course, but Bogan still despised the Sith despite being on their side. Understandable, from what Phantom learned, the Dark side user eventually becomes its slave, and only a few can get out from its grasp. That's most probably the reason he dislikes them, despite what he says. He treated them like the slaves they were.

Returning back to the matter at hand, the Star Forge was in no condition to use. Danny's idea was to go to another Rakatan base, which served the same purpose as the Star Forge, even if not in such big amounts. There was a problem, however. It was located on the Republic territory, even if no one cared about that sector.

Phantom wasn't worried about it TOO much. Bogan, feeling surprisingly generous, taught him the technique of hiding his potential, which was used by the Sith a lot. The Force settled down since he arrived there. The disturbance was like a typhoon. A gust of warm or cold wind gets to the certain place, creating a massive storm, but after a while the storm calms down. So, the disturbance wasn't that big now, it couldn't be felt across the entire galaxy. Danny's new ability helped him to cover his unusually strong connection to the Force, so he couldn't be tracked that easily like back on Coruscant. However, if some Jedi passes nearby, he will undoubtedly feel Phantom's presence.

The rebels were finishing their preparations for departure. The droid access codes brought the crew under Danny's command, but he still took a plenty of his soldiers. A hundred men and women fit inside the ship just fine. Turned off droids didn't require much space and were stationed in their own place in the dreadnought. But with the living personnel they needed to take food and water with them. Too sad Phantom couldn't get his hands on the Infinite Engine, it could make all the living needs from nothing. Rakata were geniuses, no surprise they conquered the galaxy so easily.

Danny left Haseas on the planet, so he could report him about the situation there while he was absent. Not a single sign of Pax anywhere, maybe he had gone rogue. As for the prisoners, they were left on Valorrum, as Danny preferred to call the planet, without that pause in the middle. Except for the 'sorceress'. He decided to bring Komand'r with him. Phantom actually enjoyed their small chats, which she undoubtedly thought to be interrogations. Danny thanked Jazz a lot lately, her psychology babbling seemed to play their part in the conversations.

He didn't need to use the Force to feel something deep inside of her. Struggling, conflict, all of that was there. Danny was hoping to unravel that secrets and eventually help her. However, she was still as arrogant and proud as always. It was going to be hard, that much was obvious.

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