Chapter 60: The wrong Jedi

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The Separatist Council was more quiet in its former days. There were many reasons to why it was so loud at the moment: shock, excitement, concern and fear at what was to come. Which emotion was shown on Phantom's face? None. He remained calm despite the predicament they were all in, he simply listened to what Count Dooku had to say.

"It is a madness!" Nute Gunray exclaimed with his familiar jew-like accent. "We cannot agree on such foolish endeavor!"

"I assure you, friends. We are not risking here, as long as we do everything according to plan," Dooku calmed the Neimoidian and some others down.

"Count," the Muun put in. After San Hill's schemes being uncovered and Rush Clovis' death at the hands of surprisingly convenient attack, the Banking Clan was no longer present, as the Chancellor nationalized them. Yet, some members were still loyal to the Confederacy, or at least their own petty needs.

"We would like to know what do we gain from capturing Coruscant? Do you really think that the Republic is going to just surrender once we take the capital?"

"It happened once," Phantom stated. "Vitiate sacked the planet, captured the senators and the Chancellor himself, and they had no other option. What I am interested in is how the Count offers to get there through all Republican outposts."

"For that I have a suggestion," the old man smiled. "General, would you kindly?"

The circular room of Dooku's palace filled with metallic clanging. Danny knew perfectly well to whom they belonged. General Grievous walked into the room, the entirety of his torso, legs and hands covered by black cloak with red outlines. His reptilian yellow eyes glanced at everyone around, including the ghost, as he went at the center of the room and bowed to Dooku. Then he stood straight.

"We have received an information," Grievous's speech was interrupted by a fit of coughing. "That there is one more galactic route."

A holographic map of the Galaxy appeared.

"No one yet noticed it, however it can be vital. The pass is big enough for the entire fleet we possess. It goes through several scarcely colonized worlds deep within the Core."

"There are thousands of black holes."

"Yet they do not affect this path. It goes right around the Galactic center, close, yet not enough," the line followed the gesture of his clawed fingers. "Planets Bentaal and Botor are currently in possession of the Protectorate. They may be the most suitable places to unite our forces."

As two dots to the south from the sphere symbolizing the Deep Core glowed red, all eyes turned to Phantom. The stark haired man leaned back in his seat.

"You have no need to ask for my permission. You may go in and out as long as you wish. What I am not eager about is that in case of issuing a will lead the Republic down this route as well. I'm not willing to get another frontline. They will want to secure their capital and won't tolerate me at their doorstep."

'Although I already am,' he added mentally.

The Count's plan was perfect for his own. However Phantom had no intention of winning that fight. No, it would weaken the garrison and the defensive fleet of Coruscant, making the planet more vulnerable to the Imperial assault. Honestly, they were giving him a set of trump cards, it would be foolish not to use them. Yet the plan was too daring. The Council gambled everything on it. Only minor garrisons were left, seeing as the Senate elections were approaching. The Republic didn't want to press any further at the moment.

But the majority of the Separatists' Armada was going south. Hundreds of ships, thousands of droids were moving there. Phantom was requested to join the attack. The word 'requested' implied that it was an order. And despite the autonomy, the call to arms was something he could not deny. He called an urgent meeting with his commanding staff aboard his dreadnought above Zakuul. It was a circular room, with seats for all members of War Council. But since it was not the war of the Empire, only two seats were occupied.

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