Chapter 22: The negotiations were short

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"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, you are watching Amity Park News and I'm Harriet Chin."

A tanned asian woman said this phrase from the channel studio. Near her was sitting a man with carefully brushed blond hair.

"I'm Lance Thunder, and welcome to another day under alien occupation," the man added.

"As you might have noticed by now, the ship above the city was changed to another one. The reasons of such action remain unknown."

"Could it mean that something is about to happen? With their soldiers patrolling our streets, and how our weapons are seemingly useless, there is nothing stopping them. Also, since Wall Street is currently overrun by them, and the entire trade frozen by blockades, market crash is inevitable, say experts."

"Well, this aliens are much smarter than what we are used to. Soon we will simply have no money to fight the invaders. We can only hope that their helmets are actually to protect them from Earth diseases or that the solution will be found soon. The president has made an announcement that..."

Suddenly the transmission got interference. And not only this channel. Each of them, so no one watching it would miss what was about to happen. The interference cleared, and another image was put through.

Phantom was wearing his military uniform, with a fine addition of a new crown resting on his snowy head. It was a gift from the jewelery masters of Far Frozen. It was made entirely of clean ice, decorated with laurel leafs, intertwining with each other, which shape was similar to the diadem of some elven king from Lord of the Rings. On the diadem's head was a green gem, which emmited the same warm neon glow as the Emperor's eyes.

Danny stood in front of an illuminator, which gave a look into the abyss of space, with a glass of drink in his hand and another hand behind his back. The planet was moving below his ship, and the Moon was reflecting the starlight, while glimmering with white. To say that the viewers were dumbfounded would be an understatement. He looked...human enough, and quite young for that matter. And in one particular town people realized who that person was, and the shock was evident.

"Greetings, humans. My apologies for interrupting your view of culinary show or watching how male cheetah runs after his female, but I wouldn't have done so without proper reasons."

Danny gave a disarming smile and chuckled. "The Earth hasn't changed much since I was here last time, I must admit. For those absolute superiority of humanity who aren't already aware about who I am, I shall introduce myself. Daniel James Phantom, the Supreme commander of the First Imperial Fleet, and undisputed ruler of the Reborn Sith Empire."

Phantom made a final sip from the glass and put it down on the table.

"As of right now, you have seen a portion of our forces. And, as you can also see, the invasion isn't going quite like you have imagined. There is a reason for that. I do not wish any extra bloodshed between us and I'm sincerely sorry for those caught in a crossfire. Now, we are finally coming in contact. And I must say, you are really lucky. You probably know where exactly you are in this Galaxy, and I must say, this isn't the best its part. Of all the governments, the Empire is the best choice for joining."

"Despite monarchical regime, we respect the rights of our people. We may negotiate. If by the end of our discussion you won't be convinced," Phantom shrugged nonchalantly. "We will leave. Just announce where the meeting shall be set, and I will be there. Without my fleet or army. But. I expect the same thing from you. You may bring bodyguards, though, as I'll prefer to talk with my equals, not their representatives. If the decision is not made by the end of this day, we will consider this an act of hostility. Be warned. Transmission is over."

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