Chapter 35: The war begins

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"Ah, Geonosis, what a junkyard," Danny commented dryly.

He was exaggerating, of course, the planet wasn't one of such worlds. Geonosis was a sand planet, with an asteroid belt which used to be its satellite. There were still several parts of the planet where any life was impossible because of radiation levels. That's why its inhabitants had been living underground for centuries. The planet was located in the Outer Rim, and, ironically, the nearest Imperial outpost was a few hundred parsecs to the South.

Phantom got a bit delayed, actually, there were some matters he needed to sort out immediately, but they were taken care of quickly. When Danny appeared on Geonosis, he immediately noticed rocky structures on the distance, looking like termite mounds. Thankfully the Intelligence had provided him with the exact coordinates. It wouldn't have been funny if he had to pinpoint a location on the large planet. When he told Obi-Wan that he was going to barge in, Danny wasn't kidding. But that also meant that he would be an uninvited guest.

It should be fun as hell.

Turning invisible, Danny flew forward towards the building complex. He became intangible and got inside. Surprisingly, those crude buildings looked much better on the inside. Bas-reliefs looked very unusual, but that's what made them so interesting. It was a large hall, there weren't many decorations, rocks, rocks and rocks. Nicely curved and cut, but still rocks. The guards were outside, so Danny turned visible again. He went up the half circular staircase and entered the corridor.

It was poorly lightened, but Danny decided against lighting the way. His sensitive ears were on guard, so he could catch the footsteps or clatter of the wings. He didn't want to reveal his presence just yet. Only in front of the guy in charge. Phantom felt the presence of the Force sensitive, quite powerful for that matter. He decided to follow the trail, Danny calmly strolled forward, like if he was going through his own palace, before hearing clacking sounds. With the same expression Phantom walked into the right wall and came out in the next room.

Finally Danny stopped near the last door. He phased through and saw two men sitting at the table. One was a human, quite old, over seventy that's for sure. He had short grayed hair and a short, but carefully kept beard, which gave him a very noble look. He was wearing black and seemingly comfortable clothes, with a dark brown cape hanging on his shoulders, held by a silver clasp. He was talking with an alien beside him.

His conversationalist was a Geonosian. He had a grayish brown thick skin typical for his race, yellow eyes. From his chin were coming leathery spurts, which made it look like if the insectoid had an actual beard. He was wearing a metal chestplate, with holes in the back so it won't bother his dark yellow wings. In his hands the Geonosian held a cane.

"Our guests should arrive soon, Archduke Poggle," the human said in a low baritone. "Is everything ready?"

"Indeed, Count," the Geonosian said in his language of clacks and squawks. "You will see the results of our work as soon as they arrive."

Suddenly, the old man perked up. "We are not alone."

Danny saw one of the chairs flying at him, but Phantom merely caught it, before turning visible.

"How rude," the ghost commented, putting the chair on the ground. "But I'll think of it as if you offered this chair."

"Who are you?" The old man asked.

"And how did you get inside?" Poggle added.

"Ah, so many questions and so little time," Danny sighed, sitting on a chair. "Daniel Phantom is my name. As for how I got here, you should harden your security. Every idiot can get inside be using the cloaking device. Your Geonosian sense of smell doesn't work through the walls, so you know, Archduke. So, why I came here in the first place. A little birdie whispered that you are building a Separatist movement, Count Dooku."

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