Chapter 1

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  (A/N:This will take place after Tsubaki's war. Meaning,everything's good now between the two sides.

[P.S:Did anyone notice on the cover made by Aris, FoxcatAI ,Licht could be seen wearing something below his jacket that is either pink,purple or hot pink?

And why does that look so much like a Bra to me?

Does Licht wear bras?


  And for the consideration of you all who might want to click out of the story to view the cover again,I shall place it up there.]

  "Hm,Misono?What is it?" Mahiru inquired while looking through the refrigerator for ingredients on what he could make for lunch.

   Kuro was just playing his usual PS4 games on the couch,he was currently playing something called 'Project:Diva'.

  It's a Japanese Game that involved Songs that were sung by these so-called 'Vocaloid's,and the Vocaloids who sung that particular song danced on the screen, but he had to hit every note properly.

If not,the whole chord or part of that song would just be silence,until he hit the other note again.

  Kuro swore,that either Mahiru's uncle was rich, or he had been saving up for the day to buy that PS4, because he had seen the price of that console.

  Actually,scratch the second suggestion off.

  There was NO way Mahiru would've saved up for it, as he deemed that it was too expensive,and Kuro had basically begged him for it once he saw it.

  They were just walking past a store,when Kuro saw that PS4. He immediately grabbed hold onto Mahiru's sleeve,which made him abruptly stop.

  When Kuro pointed at it,Mahiru immediately knew what he wanted;

  That PS4 console.

  When Mahiru refused to buy him the PS4 console, Kuro ACTUALLY got onto his knees,and begged him in front so many people.

  In the end,Mahiru got forced to buy it because of the sneers and the comments of 'Just buy it for him already,he's begging!' from the commuters.

  Kuro actually saw Mahiru whip out a credit card that did NOT look like it belonged to his uncle,and paid for it. He did not even look at how much he had left.

  He just signed the papers,took back his credit card,made Kuro carry the PS4,and left.

  So it was either his uncle gave him a new card,or this boy was secretly rich.

  Kuro chose the first option.

  There was no way this 16-Year-Old housewife was rich,as he didn't have parents,and is currently living in this shabby apartment.

  But hey,he isn't complaining.

  He has this PS4 now,and living in a mansion would be a pain,because it was too noticeable and would draw attention quickly,and you'd have to move a lot just to get to one room.

  And since he was the Sin Of Sloth,he didn't want that.

  That would just be too troublesome and a pain to do.

  Sometimes,he wondered how his younger 'Sibling',All of Love,now named as Lily, could manage so well with that Chibi-Purple-Haired-Brat-Called-Misono,while in that mansion.

  Anyways,back to Mahiru.

  "Hey,Shirota. Could you come down to my home again? " Misono,on the other end of the line, requested of Mahiru.

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