Chapter 8

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"Hah?First,it was that Tanjun.Now this Akuma, and apparently,they are partners in crime? What a pain.." Kuro groaned,but Mahiru just stared in silence with his mouth gaping open.

'Weird,' Kuro thought. 'Usually,he would bicker about troublesome stuff,and not stay this quiet.. Does he really admire these hackers that much?'

They watched the news closely.

The news reporter cleared her throat and began,"Last night, it had been reported that a major server had been hacked by someone. And we might have a clue on who the hacker was.."

Mahiru gulped.

"The hacker,might've been the once idle world-class hacker,Akuma."

Her voice was serious when she said that,and she continued her findings that were on the paper she was given to read out,"Before that,we would like to discuss on what kind of major server it was."

"The server,reportedly was a cryptic-server that stole or snooped into peoples' personal information and was going hectic,so people have been debating whether the hacking was for the best."

Kuro huffed,"Of course,the hacking was for the best. Now can this news hurry up or not..I want to watch Darling in the Franxx soon.."

The news reporter then reported,"However,it is not whether the server was hacked for a good cause that is currently causing havoc between nations and the government."

"The importance was who hacked the server."

She cleared her throat again,and looked into the camera with serious dead eyes that had not an ounce of saying that she wanted to be funny at the serious moment.

"We have reason and evidence to believe that it was Akuma who hacked it."

She started off,"First off,the tracks were completely covered up,leaving us dumbfounded on who could've been so smart to cover up all of his tracks."

"Second,the codings were all jumbled up and messy, which might've indicated that the hacker used Python,but not all Python programs are messy,so he might've used his own codes."

"However,when we recalled which hacker usually left the codings all jumbled up,the only hacker that came to our minds is Akuma," She explained clearly.

"And it gave us a major breakthrough when one of the members of one of the many teams that were investigating the server,managed to pick up peculiar codings that looked like morse code."

An image popped up on the news's TV they had in, and she pointed at it,it was a photo of green codings that looked like they were from the matrix,"He had managed to decipher out a message in this."

" 'I have resurfaced once again,world. Be prepared, and probably try to tighten your firewalls. Also,Tanjun,get back on your ass, because you're going to get it from me.' "

" 'You are going to get it from me for stealing the spotlight and popping out of nowhere, so once I meet you again,be prepared to face hell, you damn sadist.' "

" 'Signed,Akuma 悪魔.' "

The news reporter apologised for the swearing, but she cleared her throat again, and looked straight to the camera dramatically:

"So,Akuma and Tanjun.What will both of you do now? Will the both of you wreak havoc again,or will the both of you sit on the fences and watch?"

Then,the reporter decided to talk about the next topic of hand,and Mahiru subconsciously bit his thumb's fingernail while he watched the news with unblinking eyes.

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