Chapter 11

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"Hey hey!Oi,Licht!Look at this!" I piped up enthusiastically as I pointed at the computer's screen, which spiked up the older boy's curiosity as he scooted over to my side.

"What is it,Mahiru?" He asked with his azure orbs glistening through the shadows of the dimly-lit room, like a cat's eyes in the dark.

  His eyes skimmed over,or through,the full passage of where I was currently reading with such interest.

  "Ser..vamp..?" He asked slowly as I,a grade-schooler that has the intelligence of a high-schooler, turned to look at him and grinned.

  I grinned again and chuckled sheepishly as I pointed at the screen again,"Remember when we hacked into the C3's database when he offered to train us?"

  "Yeah?" He replied nonchalantly,as if the fact that hacking into a company's database and server was super normal for him,when in actuality,it shouldn't be.

  "So we came across the 'Servamps' part,right? I've been super interested in them because they're not human! It's so interesting!" I chimed in.

  "Right..I remember that there's..7 or 8..? Oh yeah, there was that guy named 'Tsubaki',right? Who was the oldest again?" He stuttered, not remembering the oldest's name.

  I shook my head with my auburn hair swaying in the wind as I replied,"No,his name is 'Sleepy Ash'! Geez,your memory is terrible!"

  "Well,I'm sorry," He spat with sarcasm laced all over his voice and I scoffed at him,before returning to the screen.

  I decided to leave the past behind,which was what happened just now,and read out the passage,"So.. Let's,you can make contracts with them?That's cool!"

  "But the contracts would become permanent and not many people know how to undo it," He warned me, but I just stuck my tongue out.

  He glared at me but I ignored it,"I don't care, having a contract with a vampire sounds really cool! I'm snatching the oldest one for myself!Having the strongest vampire sounds awesome!"

  "Oi.." He growled lowly,but I continued to ignore him and pointed at another name on the screen that appeared.

  "If you're bothered,then why not get one for yourself too?There's this Servamp that loves music and the arts a lot,maybe you two will get along really well!" I smiled.

  He banged my head as he continued to glare at me,"Are you crazy?I'll never get along with any of them. They're demons as they're not human, and will never be angels."

  "So?Lucifer was an angel before too," I tried to retort with my knowledge on the bible that I had learnt in my free time.

  "But he was tainted by pride and greed,and that was his own problem.He should have continued to be an angel,that position was better," He snapped back at me.

  "What are you two doing?"

  An unknown voice boomed out across the room as the door opened,letting light stream through the room as the newcomer turned on the lights of the room too.

  Both of us hissed at the unwanted and new light that hit our eyes as if we were vampires,with the light blinding us for a little while.

  "What are you,vampires?" The newcomer smirked as he continued smoking and blowed his fringe, that had black hair and a bit of white in it,away, and it almost looked like the other boy's hair colour.

  The other boy's hair was black but had white in it, and the man's was like the same,but the white in his black hair was lesser compared to the boy.

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