Chapter 9

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Who the hell would be that courageous, brave and confident in themselves that they would just straight up ask one of the most dangerous hackers alive to talk and meet him?

And no over his dead body would he be that idiotic and stupid enough to actually meet with this courageous soul.

This guy might've been a CIA or FBI agent for all he knew!

But because he was an idiotic and stupid guy as always, he liked the courage and confidence this guy had to straight up request a meeting between the two, so he replied back.


Tanjun 単純: <..And you are..?>

???: <Finally,you replied.>

Tanjun 単純: <Well,sorry for being so late in replying.>

???: <I can feel your damn sarcasm from over here,you playful-ass-pathetic hacker. Quit it.>

Tanjun 単純: < O-O How rude! Anyways, answer my question. Who. Are. You? >

???: <Somebody that was once close to you, but was lost and forgotten.>

Tanjun 単純: <..Mom?>

???: <What?No.>

Tanjun 単純: <Ahaha,sorry about that. Of course you aren't her,she's dead. I would be freaking out if you were actually her and texting beyond the grave.>

Tanjun 単純: <No but seriously,who are you? The sentence you typed just now was like something from a cliched horror book from Wattpad.>

???: <Tch.You still suck as hell at guessing who people are, and you haven't changed one bit. I'm Akuma.>


Tanjun froze in his tracks,as his fingers jerked and stopped typing on the keyboard as he stared at the screen with wide eyes that were hidden by his black-half mask.

He slowly regained his composure,and continued typing.


Tanjun 単純: <..Huh?Akuma?As in, the Akuma?>

???: <Yes.>

Tanjun 単純: <Nah,that's impossible. I lost him about 4 years ago. We haven't contacted each other since..No wait,he just resurfaced in Japan..right..?>

???: <It is me.Try hacking into my account, and that is if you still remember how to even hack.>

  Tanjun 単純: <..Fine.>


  After that,Tanjun sighed,and immediately started to track this guy's account down instead of actually hacking it. 

  What kind of stupid fella would actually listen to what a mysterious stranger that claimed that he was your childhood friend said?

  He'll do the opposite.

  He wanted to track this guy down and kill him, as a stern warning to people to never try and act like his childhood friend who he had treasured greatly, for he will punish them.


  He couldn't even see through or break the firewalls this guy had.

  'Huh?They firewalls are super strong..There had been not one account I've ever encountered and not be able to hack past the firewalls. Who is this guy?' He thought to himself.

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