Chapter 2

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"Misono!I'm here!" Mahiru shouted as he entered the humongous mansion.

"MahiMahi..I don't think that you had to shout that out.." Kuro yawned in his cat form,while in Mahiru's sling-bag.

It was quite uncomfortable due to the number of stuff inside,but he couldn't bring himself to walk,as he deemed that it was troublesome and just a pain to do.

  Just then,Lily's head appeared out of a room.

  Mahiru and Kuro shrieked at a head just appearing out of nowhere,but Lily just smiled at them, and another hand came out from the room.

  They could only guess that it was Lily's hand, and the hand made some gestures that invited them in, while Lily was still smiling.

  Mahiru nodded,and went in the room.

When Mahiru entered,he accidentally bumped into someone's back,but that person didn't fall,he did.

He rubbed his nose,and then his eyes. He blinked thrice,trying to get used to the saturation and the light that was blinding him.

It was at this point of time,that Kuro jumped out of his sling bag,and onto the floor,transforming back along the way.

He extended a hand to pull Mahiru up,but somebody else's hand beat him to it,and shoved it away.

Mahiru finally got used to the light,but his vision was still a bit blurry.

However,he could still make out the linings and the image of a hand extending towards him,and he grabbed it, thinking that it was Kuro's hand that was offered.

The hand pulled him back up to his feet,and he blinked again.

The moment he heard the owner of the hand speak, did he realise that it wasn't actually Kuro that helped him up:

"Are you alright,Angel-In-Training?"

'.. 'Angel-In-Training'..? Who calls me that? Kuro doesn't call me an angel,so this means.. Ah..' Mahiru realised,as he finally cleared his vision.

There stood a ravenette with a streak of white on the side, with his Azure orbs gazing into Mahiru's auburn ones.

"O-Oh yeah,sorry,Licht.. I accidentally bumped into you.." Mahiru gave a sheepish response as he smiled sheepishly at the same time,while scratching his nape.

Licht nodded in response,and removed his hand from Mahiru's.

Mahiru just realised that Hyde was perked on Licht's shoulder while in his hedgehog form, probably because Licht's weakness was small animals, and Hyde's hedgehog form is one.

And probably because Licht couldn't stand being close to a 'Demon'.

Licht considers Hyde as a 'Demon' in his real form, but 'Shit-Rat' while he is in his hedgehog form.

Call it a temporary promotion of ranks and titles,if you would.

Licht moved forward,leaving Mahiru behind to observe his back with his jet-black-hair swaying in the wind, while Misono entered the room unknowingly to Mahiru.

He didn't know why,but when Licht left the scene with his back, Mahiru felt something..


"Hey Shirota,get out of your daydreaming!"

And that was when Mahiru finally snapped out of his 'nostalgic-phase' ,by Misono making his presence noticed, and shouting that out.

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