Chapter 16

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Mahiru's clouded,glassy and tortured auburn eyes slowly snapped back to life again as his eyelids rose up a little,enough to let him see but still not enough to make him not seem like that eight year old brunette he was back then that always looked like a half-zombie roaming the streets.

Although he was able to see,he wasn't able to see clearly as the hues haven't sharpened yet and all he saw was a blurry yet colourful mess,kinda like when his camera wasn't focused on something and he'd have to tap his phone's screen to make it so.

But hey,it was a nice change from that boring black, empty and vast darkness he was in a couple minutes ago.

And the first thing that he realises,even if he wasn't seeing clearly at the moment,is that he was actually able to think straight for once and it was like he was himself again; he was the one in control,not his fear or someone else.

He took a moment to collect all his thoughts together,relishing in the slight breeze and feeling of being the commander of his being for once,and tried to decide on the next course of action when he realised something.

The world was quiet and that was unusual.

The world around him would usually consist of noise pollution such as honking cars that can be heard from a mile away,ads being played on the big screens on the malls,chattering of other people,the footsteps of every person passing by him,etc.

The world was never quiet no matter where he was in the world; if he were in the jungle then he would have heard the leaves of the trees rustling, insects crawling, crickets cricketing.

So why was it so quiet?

Well,the only answer to that is that he must have muted everything out,a skill that he has acquired over the years of training and also useful in situations where Licht would just berate him because he inputted the wrong code in.

He closed his eyes again and concentrated on unmuting the world around him,and that was really surprising because everyday,he loathed the noise and was seriously considering on making the apartment soundproof.

Slowly but surely,noise that almost sounded like music to his ears after being in the empty and lost silence for a short while,a short while that felt like eternity because he didn't realise how terrifying eternal silence actually was.

People joke around on how they want eternal silence, like how his teachers would berate and chid his class on how they wanted silence and would shut them up,but they didn't realise how terrifying it actually is.

Being in eternal silence meant that he could finally listen to himself and his thoughts alone and nobody would disturb him.

To some audiences,that may sound appealing, but if you're like him,a teenager who was in a constant state of guilt and self-loathe and had suicidal thoughts from time to time,it's understandable if you would want some noise in your life.

You wouldn't want to be stuck with only condescending voices that taunted you,calling you a monster; you would want some kind of distraction from it all.

So that's why he decides to let the noise in, concentrating, hoping to earn some kind of distraction and soon enough,the honks of the cars on the road was heard again as well as the loud chattering of people.

Great,step one done. What's step two?

Oh yeah,his sight. He needed it to see and without it, he can't tell what he's looking at.

'Duh,that's so plainly obvious and simple to see,' he thought to himself,'That was almost as bad as the meme of 'People die when they're killed' meme.'

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