Chapter 17

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(A/N: I have made a few minor adjustments to chapter 15, which is changing the name of 'Mahiru's father' to 'Uncle Tooru' because of some new major information that chapter 80 had given about his father.

It shouldn't affect the storyline that much... I hope.

Please do not spoil the reason on why I changed it in the comments to readers who haven't read chapter 80 yet and just take note of this new adjustment!)


Once they had all arrived at the venue, with Licht and Hyde surprisingly not destroying the taxi cab that they rode in separately from Mahiru and Kuro's (which Mahiru was thankful for because he didn't like a lawsuit coming their way), they pressed the doorbell at the gate.

Dodo's voice came in through the voice intercom below the doorbell shortly and asked in a tired tone,"Yes...who is this? If you're Mikuni or someone from the C3, please leave immediately... Wait no, Mikuni is already inside because Lily had allowed him in. Agh,damn it, never mind then..."

This in return earned a few amused chuckles from both Mahiru and Hyde and a snort from Licht while Kuro just sighed in return.

"Anyways, if you're someone from the C3, please leave immediately... Sorry, but we don't like the organisation," Dodo's voice apologised.

Mahiru shrugged as he answered,"To be honest, the four of us don't like the C3 a lot too. Especially these two Servamps here. They hate it."

Kuro groaned as Hyde gave a hearty laugh in response, and Dodo must've heard the 'Servamps' part and his voice and became surprised as there was a moment's hesitation before he answered,"Are you the Eve of Sloth, Shirota Mahiru?"

"As me as I'll ever be," Mahiru grinned, acting as if Dodo could see his grin from the voice intercom (actually, he probably installed a camera somewhere in the voice intercom and there must be a camera somewhere here) and would reply to it.

Two beats went by when Dodo replied,"So you're not a C3 member... thank god. Those people were the worst to deal with as they were super irritating. They kept asking about some confidential stuff and said it was for their organisation."

"They did? That must've been tiring," Hyde felt pity for the man as he imagined Dodo having to deal with those guys for hours on end.

"Yeah, it was...Please wait for a moment, I'll open the gates for you. To be honest, you can just climb it with your Servamps' help, can't you? Can you do that instead?" His voice asked with hope.

Mahiru snickered and Licht came forward to reply,"Nope, not doing that. An angel like me must enter properly like an actual graceful angel, not like a reckless and rude demon."

"Licht Jekylland Todoroki? Ugh, you're here too... please don't destroy anything in the mansion, okay?" Dodo asked desperately with the sounds of buttons being pushed from the background.

"What did you just try to imply about me—"

"Anyways, just go to the main conference room or whatever they call it. Or is it a living room? Meh, we have at least three living rooms. Just find Misono and do whatever it is you do. He's crazy right now so I recommend not being too close to him for safety reasons. Ask for directions if you get lost or something. Now goodbye."

Once Dodo gave his final message, the doors opened by themselves and Licht huffed in annoyance from being cut off.

Kuro realised something as he pointed out to Licht,"Hey, he pronounced your name wrongly."

"What? No, he said it correctly, unlike this dumbass over here," Licht turned to glare at Mahiru, who in return gave a stuck out tongue at him, fanning the fire even more.

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