Chapter 15

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"Mama! Uncle Tooru!" Mahiru cried out with an innocent smile on his face as he outstretched his small little nimble fingers that were the size of a six year old towards the two adults in front of him,adults who he trusted dearly with his life.

His mother and Tooru's smiles shone brightly as the latter went to pick him up,"Haha! Am I feeding you too much when you stay over at my place? You've gotten a bit heavier!"

"If that's so, then I've gotta tell my brother to reduce the sweets and food he gives you every time you visit him!" His mother joked,which earned a glare that could easily be confused for a pout (which it technically is) from the young brunet.

"No, please! I like the sweets that uncle gives me!" He protested with puppy eyes that could make anybody's hearts melt in a second.

His mother and Tooru hesitated for a second before looking at each other and chuckled,both snuggling their cheeks to Mahiru's plump and youthful ones.

He giggled cutely and the scene was filled with bubbles and just a happy and accepting aura,the sky filled with elegant yet fluffy clouds that complimented the vast blue and the wind brushed past them perfectly.

All in all,you could easily say that they were a perfect and happy family (though Tooru was just his uncle, not his actual father, but it was alright).


In the blink of an eye,the hold that Tooru had on him disappeared,causing him to fall to the group painfully with a loud thud and he cried in pain,"Uncle Tooru! Why did you let go of me? That's mean! It hurts! Uncle Tooru! Mama!"

He rubbed his eyes with his fists as hot tears continued to spill from his orbs,but the pain soon subsided and so did the tears that were now reduced to mere hiccups.

He wiped his tears away and peeked his eyes open,"Uncle Tooru? Mama? Why is it suddenly so quiet? Are you sleeping? But I want to play!"

The image before him made his eyes widen in horror, horror that were etched into his eyes (he didn't know that this would scar him forever), and the sky that was previously a cheerful blue turned grey with thunderstorms, and the surroundings changed into a dark shade of gray.

Red and black,those were the only colours that he could distinguish at the moment as he eyed the sickening scene.

His parents were on the floor, bodies limp, lifeless and they were caked in a thick red substance that he, even if a six year old,knew was blood.

" Uncle Tooru? Mama, Uncle Tooru, this isn't funny! It's scary! Mama, Uncle, please talk! If you talk, I will lay off on eating sweets for one whole week! I promise!" Mahiru pleaded in fake hope and denial as he crawled towards them.

He crawled in front of his mother's figure and planted her cold and lifeless hand to his cheek, and he croaked,"Mama? Please, mama! Mama, please say something!"

And then at this instant,his mother's eyes snapped open and he gasped in relief as he tackled her for a hug,"Mama! You're alive! But what about Uncle Tooru—"

His sentence was cut short when he was roughly pushed back by the woman herself,and he landed on the floor again with a painful landing.

He rubbed his butt using his hand and he asked in pain and worry,"M-Mama? Why did you do that? Mama, it's me—"

"YOU MONSTER! YOU KILLED US ALL!" She cursed him as she pointed an accusing and blooded finger at him alongside with her brother that somewhat awakened,and in her eyes he could see pure terror in them.

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