Chapter 10

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  Licht could only stare awe-struck at the scene and predicament he was currently in,while Mahiru playfully stuck his tongue out at him to tease him about it as he stood straight back up.

"Y-You..were Tanjun this whole time..?" Licht fumbled for the right words to say,and Mahiru sheepishly smiled at him while carrying his disguise in his hands.

He had reverted back to his usual good ol' cheerful personality that screamed 'Housewife' and 'Friendship', and not that scary Tanjun.

Mahiru rubbed his nape sheepishly as he chuckled,"Haha, how fate likes to work its way with us,huh?Don't take me in the wrong way though,I was also surprised."

"I didn't think that you would be him.But you can't blame me,can you?" Mahiru asked him with a smile that Licht knew all too well that said that he meant no ill intentions whatsoever.

  Licht rose an eyebrow at his question,still not shaking all of the tension and shock that the angel-in-training was Tanjun this whole time," so..?"

  "I mean,your personality now is completely different from before.Before,you used to be completely tactical and practical,Licht."

"But're just reckless and full of violence, using your lead to kick your way through and possibly get to somewhere."

  "So you're saying that the two of us have changed into each other's personalities over these years?" Licht shot back at him.

Mahiru realised that as he cackled innocently.

  He grinned at him,"Haha,I guess you could say that! In the past,I was usually the more reckless and rowdy between us because you were smarter and handled the hacking jobs more,right?"

"So you admit that I'm indeed smarter and better than you at hacking," Licht smirked at him,all hesitance had been sapped away and he had reverted to his 'I'm-an-angel' personality.

Mahiru stuck his tongue out in response;whether that was because he admitted defeat but didn't want to or just him being playful,was unknown.

  Licht tried to think up of a question to ask Mahiru, and finally got one,and he turned to him and asked,"Oi,I was wondering this too,but.."


  "Why did you name yourself 'Tanjun',which means 'Simple' in Japanese,while you named me 'Akuma', which means 'Demon' in Japanese?" Licht finally brought himself to ask Mahiru.

  Mahiru tried to recall the reason why,before he spiked up with the answer,"Oh yeah!The reason why I named myself 'Tanjun',is well,you know,I like things simple."

  "And I didn't name you 'Akuma',you did yourself!" He grinned,and Licht pointed a finger at himself for clarification that he was referring to him.

  Mahiru nodded,and Licht asked,"But why did I name myself 'Akuma',when I could name myself 'Tenshi', which means angel?"

"Hm..if I can remember,you said something about not wanting to tarnish your title as an 'Angel' and so,you decided to use the name of 'Akuma',as if that name was a shadow of your title of an 'angel'."

"Y'said something also about the two names being like the sides of a coin.They are completely different, yet the same,as it was still you who held these titles," Mahiru hummed.

  "You're the coin,and the titles are the sides. Without the actual coin itself, the two sides shall not exist.So,if you didn't exist,then these two names wouldn't have coexisted," Mahiru smiled.

  And then,he concluded,"Man,you were such a genius and prodigy back then.It took me a couple days to understand what that meant."

  "If you had never existed,Akuma wouldn't have been alive,nor is the world known pianist nicknamed 'The Angel Of Music' or something like that."

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