Chapter 5

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~Liu's P.O.V~

I wrapped my scarf around mine and Dante's neck, "You looked cold." Was all I said, before returning to my food. I glanced at Dante and saw the pink dusting his cheeks causing me to smile slightly.


The room went silent, and everyone in it stared at me. "Uh... I'll be back." I said, wrapping the rest of my scarf around Dante's neck before rushing into the nearest bathroom.

"Christ, Sully. What was that!?" I yelled, waiting for an explanation.

"You took too long, plus that was disgustingly sappy!" Sully replied.

~Jeff's P.O.V~

Once Liu ran to the bathroom, I burst out laughing.

"Oh my god, Sully actual-" I began before being cut off with another burst of laughter. Dante looked at me in confusion and looked down.

"D-did I do something...?" He mumbled quietly, turning to me and Jack.

"No, he's just struggling with some emotional things." Jack replied, causing me to slowly stop laughing. Dante hummed slightly, before getting up and walking towards the direction Liu went, taking his scarf with him.

~Dante's P.O.V~

I walked to the room Liu was in, knocking ever so slightly.

"Come in."

I opened the door slightly and peeked into the bathroom.

"D-did I upset you earlier?" I asked quietly, fully opening the door and looking at Liu. Liu looked down at the sink, his hair slightly dripping wet from the water that he splashed on his face earlier.

"No, it was just Sully, being his drama queen self..." Liu said before Sully quickly took over.

"I AM NOT A DRAMA QUEEN." He yelled.

"I would say otherwise, but I think you just proved that you are indeed, a drama queen," I snickered, before grabbing a towel. "C'mon. Dry yourself up. We're fighting after this, and you STILL haven't finished lunch." I grinned, motioning Liu to sit on the side of the tub as I put the towel on his head.

He allowed me to dry his wet hair, and let me comb through it with a small brush I found. I hummed slightly as I brushed through Liu's brown locks.

"You still like playing with my hair, don't you?" Liu turned slightly to look at me. I nodded as I began styling his hair. I began pulling his hair into a small ponytail, taking a hair tie that was wrapped around my wrist and tied it. I stood up and admired my work, before nodding and handing Liu his scarf back.

"There!~" I approved, before taking Liu's hand and bringing him back to the dining room.

"What took so long, were you two fucking or some shit?" Jeff asked, causing my cheeks to turn a brilliant bright pink.

"No, if you actually look, Dante was tying my hair up in a ponytail, again." Liu spoke, patting my head slightly before taking a seat in his respected seat and patting mine, signaling for me to sit. I sat down and stared at Jeff.

Jeff looked back at me with a confused look in his eyes. "You need something?" I nodded quickly. Excusing myself to go to the bathroom to go and get the brush I used to brush and tie Liu's hair.

"Let me tie your hair." I mumbled, motioning to Jeff's messy black hair. He looked unsure at first but allowed me to do it. I stood up, behind his chair since I couldn't do it while sitting down. I'd be too short for that.

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