Chapter 16 [Slight Smut]

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~Dante's P.O.V~

I dashed towards Jesse, tapping my dog tag necklace to release my switchblade. A glint appeared in my eyes as I saw Jesse cower slightly having to dodge my blade. I watched him jump back and land softly on the ground. He glanced over at Devin to see how he was holding up. That was a bad idea on Jesse's part.

"Don't ever look away from your target," I smirked, jumping on his shoulders and placed my switchblade by his neck.

Jesse looked up at me, his eyes widened as he felt black goop from my eyes drip down onto his face. "Is there a problem, angel boy?" I said, before jumping off of his shoulders, ultimately knocking him down.

"Liu!" I yelled out, as Jesse got up and dashed over to help his brother. I followed quickly, my switchblade held tightly in one hand, my scarf in the other.

"Dante, we need to switch!" He yelled out, using his knife to deflect an attack from Devin. Devin smirked and jumped back. He landed on his feet with a thud and turned around to face me, katana bravely drawn.

I nodded and let out a sigh. I looked up at my enemy and dashed towards them. Metal clanged against metal. I watched as Devin tried to slash me with his katana. I moved back and slipped. I looked back quickly and saw a small hole. I hissed loudly and tried to kick Devin's legs to get him to fall down with me. Devin successfully dodged back, watching as I fell on the grass.

"You poor helpless thing..." Devin said, smirking before pinning me down to the grass.

"What the fuck are you doi-!" I screeched before his lips locked with mine. My eyes widened, I flailed around and used my leg to kick upwards. I kicked his junk and pushed him off of me. I looked up at Liu and Jesse while Devin was down.

I felt as if my world had just ended. Everything was in slow motion.

I watched as Jesse kissed Liu.

Liu's eyes were wide, as he looked at me.

Anger boiled in my veins. First, this demonic piece of shit kisses me, and then this BITCH kisses MY  boyfriend.

I let out a horrifying scream. I grabbed Devin's katana and stabbed Devin in the legs repeatedly. I looked up with my black eyes and ran towards Liu and Jesse.

"hOw DaRe YoU, yOu AnGeLiC pIeCe Of ShIt." I yelled. My voice sounded glitched, my black tar leaking and stained the once green grass. "I'lL cOlOr ThE hOuSe In YoUr BlOoD." I laughed, kicking Jesse away from Liu. I held Devin's katana tightly, a burst of maniac laughter emitting from my mouth.

"dIe DiE dIE diE DIE" I yelled, holding Devin's katana over my head and slicing down at Jesse.

"I'LL SLICE YOU OPEN AND FEED YOU TO MY DEMONS," I yelled, my black tar dripped all over him, painting him black. I slashed the sword one last time before Jesse stopped moving. I let out a laugh and looked at Liu in a lopsided way. I heard shifting and looked over at Devin.

"Yy-YoU w-WANT TO DIE TOO?" I stuttered out, stalking over to Devin, twirling his katana. "yOU cAN GO THE SAME WAY AS YOUR BROTHER." I laughed as I towered over Devin. More and more tar dripped out as I towered of him. I raised the katana and was in the middle of slashing down before I felt a pair of strong arms hold me from behind. I hissed loudly and flicked my head and was met with Liu's forest green eyes.

"I-i..." I began to say before looking down at Devin and Jesse. I dropped the katana and looked back up at Liu. My angered black eyes turning into tear-filled brown ones. "W-what have I done." I stuttered, falling back onto Liu's chest. I closed my eyes and opened them once again. My vision blurred and my knees felt weak. I closed my eyes and wished I could never open them again.

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