Chapter 7

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~Dante's P.O.V, and the next morning~

I groaned loudly as I felt the sunlight hit my face. 

"Mom, can you close the shades..." I grumble, trying to flip over to my side. I groaned in frustration as something constricted my waist.

"If you think your older brother is your mother, sure." A voice chuckled.

'Wait, Jack?' My eyes shot open and I stared into the eyes... Er... Eye sockets of my older brother.

I tried to reach up to hug him, but stopped suddenly as pain shot up my arms. I hissed slightly, putting my arms down and just moved my face towards his neck. 

He hugged me closer so I could nuzzle my face into his neck. I purred slightly, loving the warmth of his neck.

"Thank you~" I hummed, closing my eyes again.

"Hey, don't go to sleep! We have to eat breakfast and celebrate!" Jack said, shaking me slightly to wake me up. I opened my eyes and groaned. 

"I don't wanna!" I whined, attempting to pull the covers over my head before they were pulled off by Jack.

"I don't care, we're going downstairs to eat. You need some meat on those damn bones," Jack said going over to my backpack to grab a tie-dye shirt along with some shorts. "Here put these on." I looked at the shirt and stared at him as he quickly changed into casual clothes.

"Jack," I called for him. "My arms." He looked back at me and smacked his head. 

"I forgot, I'm sorry." He apologized quickly before helping me out of the clothes I slept in. He took off my clothes, throwing them into a laundry basket by his door and looked at me from head to toe. He put his fingers on one of the scars I had on my body and traced it. "What happened here...?" He mumbled, tracing more of the scars that littered my body.

"I... uh... might've got stabbed a few times when I tried to murder my first few victims." I mumbled, causing Jack to facepalm. 

"A few times my ass." He groaned, before throwing my shirt over my head. I huffed feeling the fabric nearly enter my mouth. He then helped me put on my shorts. I thanked him quickly and glanced over at my backpack. I leaned down to grab it with my mouth and plopped it on the bed. I quickly dug through my bag and found what I was looking for. My lucky green feathers. I took them out with my mouth and looked at Jack.

He nodded, and took the feathers out of my mouth, forcing me to sit down on the bed so he could put the feathers in my hair.

I thanked him again and looked at him. He looked back at me, smiling and showing his sharp teeth. I raised my arm, and winced slightly at the sharp pain that coursed through my body. I pushed the feeling of pain aside and focused on Jack's face. I put my hands on his cheeks, and pinched his cheeks, pouting slightly before smiling.

'It's still my brother.' I grinned as I looked at his pouting face. His cheeks flared a slight tint of red from how hard I pinched him. He quickly moved to the side and grabbed his mask, quickly putting it on.

"Before you break my cheeks, let's go downstairs to eat breakfast, shall we?" Jack said, bending down so I can get on his back for a piggy-back ride. My eyes sparkled as I hopped on his back. I wrapped my aching arms around his neck, his arms supporting my legs so I don't fall off.

I let out a long sigh and relaxed on my brother's back as he carried me downstairs to the dining room. 

"G-good mornin- Jack why is D-dante on y-your shoulders?" Toby asked, looking at me as I lazily waved my hand at the table of pastas.

"I got lazy." I hummed and jumped off of Jack's shoulders. I went behind Jack and started pushing him towards our seats. Our breakfast already set out in front of us. I was about to sit down in my seat between Jeff and Liu, before Jack took my plate and set it next to him. He brought the chair over next to him too, and patted my seat signaling me to sit down.

I tilted my head slightly and sat down.

"Jeff will be feeding you for lunch, Liu for dinner, and I'll be feeding you for breakfast." Jack explained, causing me to nod. He quickly cut up my food into bits causing me to pout. 

"I'm not a child, Jack." I mumbled, causing him to chuckle slightly.

"In my eyes, you'll always be a child." He replied, picking up some bacon and feeding it to me. I ate the bacon while he ate something bloody. I looked at the object in confusion, leaning on Jack slightly to sniff it.

"Kidney." He answered to my unasked question. I nodded slightly, as he fed me more off of my plate. I looked up at him once he finished his kidney. 

"Mind explaining how you all of this happened to you?" I asked, looking at Jack. "You two as well." I said, looking at both Liu and Jeff.

"Later," was all Jack said, picking up my plate and walking over to the kitchen to wash the dirty dishes. "For now, just go to the living room and chill with some of the other pastas." Jack said, pointing in the direction of the living room. 

I nodded and walked into the living room to see it a mess. Toys were littered on the floor, bags of chips and candy all over the couch along with some crumbs. Mud on the carpet and a knife stuck in the wall.

"What. The. Fuck." My eye twitched slightly seeing the mess. I looked to the side only to have candy thrown at me. I plopped down on the couch, taking off my scarf slowly and stuffing my face into the fabric. I felt the couch sink next to me causing me to look up and see Liu. 

"Hi Liu," I mumbled, leaning back on the couch. "Is it always this insane in this house?"

"This is a house full of killers, no shit it's fucking insane."

"Sully go the fuck away, I asked for Liu. Not you."

"Yeah, it's usually this insane," Liu said, causing me to sigh. I felt Liu pat my head causing me to purr slightly. "You're so much like a cat. Has anyone told you that before?" I shook my head slightly, putting my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes. After I closed my eyes, I felt some movement from underneath me, and then something wrap around me. Something was also on my head.

I opened my eyes and looked around. It took me five seconds to figure out what happened. 

I was on Liu's lap, with his coat wrapped around me and his chin was on my head. I was also leaning back on his chest. I yelped slightly, causing most of the pastas to look over at me and Liu. I glanced back at the others with a bright red face.

"I-i" I stuttered out, looking around at the pastas who started gathering in a group and started to whispering. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone stare.

"You don't think they're gay, do you?" someone whispered, causing me to stand up quickly and run outside.

My tears ran down my cheeks. I heard someone calling my name, but I didn't listen. The voice said;

"Dante, stop!"

'I can't stop. I won't stop.' My legs aching as I sprinted into the dark lush green of the forest. 


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