chapter three

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Layla's POV

My head hurts and all I can see is a dark corner, my eyes shut tightly.

Where am I and why am I here. Subhanallah am I dead?!

Oh no I don't want to die! Aishah, abbi, ummi where is every one?

I felt a sharp pain on thigh "Ouch!" I screamed out without opening my eye.

I popped one eye open and saw aishah smirking at me.

"Wake up doll, you ain't dead. are you so happy about dieing huhn?" she asked, arching her brows.

"Ouch!" I said again lowly, this time rubbing my head, it hurts like there's a fire on it.

I took awareness of my surrounding. "Where am I" I asked myself looking around. I felt a strong bang on my head as I turned.

"layla you are in the school clinic, stop talking to yourself like am not here". Aishah said harshly.

Aisha walked up to me hugging my head. "Don't talk too much or question yourself, you passed out in my arms" she said, standing up and began punching some digits on her phone.

Sadness overtook me as I remembered what happened in the LG. "Oh Allah why me" my eye got blurry as I sneezed out loud.

" I have a flu" I coughed out again.

"layla please save those strength because you are going to explain everything that happened" aishah ignored me still looking down at her phone.

Who are you calling? I asked fidgeting not bothered about her words.

"Yusuf uncle, who else?" she said, rolling her eyes like it's no big deal.

"Please don't call abbi" I said weakly "I don't want him to know all this" I lowered my voice.

Do you want to ride with me on the scooter in this condition. listen here doll, I know I have been rude. But, I know we both understand that I am angry and at the same time confused about everything that happened to you. I cannot let you ride on the scooter with me because the nurse said you are very weak to walk by yourself which gives me doubt, I just hope its not what's crossing my mind..........

"No its not" I snapped sitting up on the bed. "you know they can be so dramatic and can exaggerate little things. I am fine, please don't call abbi" I placed my palms together pleading.

"Ok ok I wont" she said dropping her phone in the bag, then adjusted her hijab "let's go then" she said helping me out of the single clinic bed.

Aishah is sweet and the best I can ask Allah for. she has a purple scooter which we use to and fro school every day. abbi had promised me one on my 18th birthday which is in two week time. She has every right to be angry and report me to abbi about what happened today as we have been strictly trained not to mingle with non-mahrams.

I know she's buying me time and I have to explain every details to her else I would be punished. I am bothered about explaining things to aishah but not as much as the pain lingering in my heart.

"My world is crumbling right in front of me and I am helpless now. Why didn't abbi inform us about this" I sobbed silently holding Aisha firmly at the back.

My thoughts came to a halt when I hit my head on aisha's back. "Alhamdulilah we are home", I got down and aishah turned off the engine.

We walked inside the almost dark living room. I rushed to the stairs when I heard ummi's voice in the kitchen. She was talking to abbi.

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