chapter twenty-two

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This chapter is dedicated to @ameenahnaeemah  @nizwa_mehreen_ and @shartou

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Layla's POV

He wrapped his arm around me and I stopped hitting him. I felt his comfort, I closed my eyes inhaling the cologne that I had gotten used to.

He released his arm and I looked up at him. I closed my eyes again as his hand flicks away the tears on my face. I popped my eyes slowly and our gaze locked for 20seconds or thereabout. He lowered his eyes looking at my lips lustily and I knew what was going to happen.

I am not ready for this yet, it's getting close to intimacy. my mind wants to stop but my body has refused to move. He lowered his head as his lips got close to mine so I shut my eyes tight.

"Pull away layla, pull away" my brain was screaming.

I Ignored my thoughts and allowed our lips sway together, making a new moment.


It's resumption day, so I jumped out of bed earlier. I put on my brown abayah that I had neglected for a while and a cream scarf. I observed my fajr prayer and made a long supplication. I opened my door and counted my steps as I walked to Sulayman's room, I stood there for a while holding the door handle. I touched my lips remembering the kiss we had together two nights ago. I placed my palms on my face feeling the peak of shyness. Aishah would kill me if I tell her such intimate thing happened between us. How did I even allow it happen. I hit my head lightly "stupid stupid, that's what you are".

I took the courage and knocked softly on the door. I pressed the door bell but no response too. I turned the knob and it was opened. I shook my head, he never locks his room. I entered the big room that looks exactly like mine, I have been here thrice including yesterday when we both went to get our textbooks from the bookshop. I normally would have gone with zee but he insisted on driving me down there. It was fun to be honest and I enjoyed the way he held my hand when got out of the car. I refused to look at him in the eyes because I still felt embarrassed from what had happened the night before.

I walked down towards the bed and he was using a sleep cover on his eyes. "I think you should wake up now Sulayman" I pulled on his duvet. He rolled to the other end of the bed pushing away the duvet, he spread his legs out.

I shook my head, what a lazy fellow, everyone is anxious about the first day of resumption but his case is totally different, he doesn't look like he's going to get up anytime soon so climbed over the bed. "It's late sulayman, you need to stand up now else I will leave without you" I threatened but he swayed his hand away and I got down from the bed. He had promised me when we were at the bookshop to drive me to school today.

I walked out of his room to mine. I locked the knob and got into the bathroom to freshen up. I dressed up in the pink flowery skirt and nude color scarf aliyah had picked out for the cancelled lunch. I apply a dry kajal to my eyes and used my mascara.

I packed my books in the hand bag sulayman got for me last night. He had dropped it in front of my room and I smiled picking it up, staring at it for minutes, it must be so expensive, I had thought. I had gone to knock on his door but he opened the door slightly. "I saw that bag at the refuse bin, manage it" he whispered and shut his door locked. I went back to my room laughing.

I checked the mirror the last time and moved out of my room, I stare at my nude color wrist watch calculating the time I have left. I have one hour left. The drive from Sulayman's house to school is just 20minutes. I am so happy I am going to see Aishah.

"Maybe I should pick her up first" I calculated the time and yes I will just be 3minutes late for my first class.

I ran through the stairs dialing her number. "Aishah I am coming to pick you right now"

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