chapter twenty-five

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This is a jumuah special.. Don't forget to read suratul khaf, have your ghusl and send lots of salawah to the prophet. Jazakallahu khayran

To @smatworld.. This is for you, I promised to update earlier but am sorry. Enjoy

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Layla's POV

I shot my eyes tight and gripped my duvet as I hear the heavy footsteps towards my room. My heart skipped a beat immediately the door turned open, releasing a creaking sound from the bolts. My heart started to pound against my chest as I felt a figure move closer to my night stand.

"Layla, I know you are awake. Stand up for your shots" the familiar britain voice that I have gotten accustomed to said.

I wave a sigh of disappointment, pulling the duvet off and sitting up on my back. The half caste lady brought out some syringe and emptied the bottle of injection in it. She raised her hand up and flicked the syringe then settled it on the stand. She does the same for another syringe and i squeezed my mouth in disgust. "Why am I getting two shots" I managed to say. I haven't spoken words in two days and she snapped her head at me with a surprised glare.

"You sure know how to talk layla" she scoffed and turned back to what she was doing and I rolled my eyes at her waiting for an answer.

"This is your last shot" I heaved a sigh of relief. "I am taking off your bandage today too" she replied absentmindedly.


Ummi was the first to look towards me. She walked up to me and embraced me in a tight hug. Maybe aishah had let the cat out of the basket but I try convincing myself its something else. She didn't.... I screamed  inwardly. I didn't hug ummi back, I bore my gaze at aishah to find answers but she was looking everywhere but me.

Ummi broke the hug and held my face in her hand. She nods her head continuously ". . .My brave layla" ummi stuttered, it was clear now that she has been crying and whatever truth i am running away from is right here to haunt me. It also justifies bhaiya's attitude earlier on. "I am proud of you" she engulfed me in another hug and I couldn't help but release the tears in my eyes. Wrong timing and wrong everything, today is surely one of the days I will never forget on the surface of earth.

Ummi pulled my hand gently and I dragged my feet to the dining, I continued to trail my gaze at aishah who is purposely avoiding me. My abbi sat up properly, cleared his throat and shook his head, i trailed my gaze at him with fear and i have never seen him with that expression....ever, I shifted my gaze to safiyah aunty (aishahs mum) who is throwing her dirty looks. What must she have told them.

Oh Allah, please let this not be true....

Never would I imagine a day like this would come. The bad imaginations I have had was sulayman calling off the marriage after the contract. I had also imagined ummi feeling bad and everything going sore but I also imagined ummi taking control of the situation.
Ummi is the only daughter of her parent who is still in her marriage. Her two eldest sisters are divorced and they stayed in India single. Ummi hated to talk about their marriage with myself and ridwan but she always gave us the confident look that whatever will happen to a being will always happen by Allah's will.

"Ridwan, go check on deliyah" my abbi said to my brother who I know is as heartbroken as everyone. I can't imagine what must be going through his mind. I just cant imagine how they would have taken the news, how did aishah do it?.
He nods and glared at me solely before walking to the stairs, he whispered something to aishah and she shifted a bit in discomfort while he jogged up the stairs.

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