chapter eight

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This chapter is dedicated to @idris2inc and @raphdiya2. Thank you so much for your endless comments and votes.

Sulayman’s POV

“Buzz buzz” my phone rang.

I hate the idea of using music ringtones so I stick to the normal buzz tone from the phone settings.

  Who the hell wakes s person in the middle of the night. I squeezed my eyes tightly not wanting to believe the buzz was from my room.i can’t  get a peaceful sleep in my life anymore. I rolled over the bed picking the phone on the shelf when the buzz got louder.

“hello” I hissed into the phone not checking the caller ID. I just hope it is someone important else I would swear out loud.

“hello MP” the caller freaked.

The only person to call me MP is farouk. Only God knows how comfortable he gets to say that. He calls me MP only on important occasions. I get the hint, this is important.

“what is it?” i tightened my eyes not wanting the rays of sun to penetrate in them. I gripped the duvet over my head.

“get off that bed right now. Who sleeps at 10am on Thursday morning” farouk yelled.

“what’s the deal, I paid the lecturer off already” I hissed again, this time getting angry.

“I got an information dude. your dad would be in school anytime soon” he paused. “someone is getting cooked” he laughed uncontrollable.

Oh my God! I jumped out of bed when the information processed in my brain. I rushed into the dressing room first, I came out rushing into the bathroom then running back to the dressing room again.

I remembered my phone on the bed. I jumped over to pick it.

“farouk bu_uyy me time_ee ok” I stammered “just lie or something, I will be there in 20 minutes” I threw the phone back on the bed.

my life is in terror and has been so for a month now. Firstly I must get married to get the navias properties. This man I call my dad is becoming a pain in the neck. I have two conditions before I can get the navias properties after school. He had said I get married so as to be responsible and repulsive then to graduate with the best grades on my own. He gave just those two conditions but has payed surprise visits to the college with those countless body guards.

He has been to my college twice and it wasn’t so friendly, we just end up fighting everytime. we have never agreed on anything in my life.

My fan girls had wowed and exclaimed on how handsome he is even at his old age. I guess he just loves the attention the college girls give him. Dumb girls.

I have lived the best part of my life for 23years, with no tension and pressure. Only to claim some properties that I am allegiance to, I have to go through this horror part of life.

I dropped my clothes from their hangers looking for my favorite tees. I hissed in frustration settling with a blue tees and black jeans. I slipped my feet into the nearby footwear running out of the room.

I squeezed my head in frustration. “nothing can bother me, nothing will bother me” I recited my favorite anthem rushing down the stairs.

The maids assembled in numbers when they heard my footsteps from the stairs.

“zenith make sure to clean and arrange my closet” I ordered walking in to the living room. “tell omma the driver will pick her at 12 for shopping” I buckled my lace.

"your breakfast sir" humayyah stammered.

"I don't want any" I said formally walking out.

“hakeem” I screamed when I got out.

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