chapter fifteen

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Layla’s POV

The first place I ordered the driver to take me to was my home.

Yes finally I am going home. I can’t deal with sulayman’s arrogance and bipolar attitude. I am in the car with zenith.

It wasn’t easy with sualyman when I told him two hours wasn’t enough for me to get ready. He can’t continue to order me around like a puppet.

moreover if I am to leave, I won’t be able to say a proper goodbye to mrs kyla. I banged my door close and locked the knob. He stood there for some seconds before leaving with a heavy footstep and slamming his own room door which was as loud as a thunder clap.

I fanned myself with my hand pacing around my room. I feel so hot, not the kind of heat but the hot that you feel when you just escape a ghastly accident. I looked down at my palm and It was all sweaty, I rubbed my palms, walking slowly to the bathroom to wash my face.

Sulayman is really driving me crazy, I shed a tear in between the water I gushed to my face. My stomach hurts like my organs are having a twist party.

I got back into the room and knelt gently beside my bed.
I cupped my hands together and raised it slightly above my head. “ya Allah please forgive me I am sorry” a tear of guilt rolled down my as I felt the connection with my lord. “ya Allah please forgive me for deceiving my parents and everyone who has been kind to me thinking this marriage is real, ya Allah forgive me, forgive me”. I cried harder letting the tears fall freely on my soft cheek. “please spare my life till the end of this seven month so I can ask for a truthful repentance, ya Allah I did this for my family please forgive me” I fell on my back, guilt stinging my heart. I cried a lot trying to connect to Allah, I didn’t bother drying up my tears when it flowed uncontrollably.

I choked on a cough and stood up to take a mug i placed beside my bed earlier. I poured myself a half filled glass of water and gulped as my hands shaked tremendously. I dropped the cup and went back to my kneeling position. for the first time after this marriage, I feel very much guilty for taking such a decision and deceiving everyone. I rolled my back on the brown towel rug and drifted off to sleep with my lips reciting astagfurullah.

Maybe it was an hour or two but the intercom kept buzzing beside my bed. I stood up wiping my dried tears with my scarf.
I feel so relieved and satisfied that Allah has forgiven me.

Allah said to the prophet to tell his servant to call on him anytime. Alhamdulilah I can trust Allah to the end.

I knelt on my knee picking up the intercom, I cleared my throat. “yes?” I breathed into the telecom.

Sulayman’s voice came over the telecom “can you reply your text messages?” his voice filled with command.

I rolled my eyes. “okay” I said and dropped it.

I stood up weakly, searching the bed for my phone. I slumped in bed and clicked on five text messages from bluzy when I found it under the pillow.

(2:25pm) Bluzy: hey!

(2:27pm) Bluzy: hey!

(2:50pm) Bluzy: hey!

(3:05pm) bluzy: hey!!!!!

(4:50pm) bluzy: hey!!!

I arched my brows looking at the time interval he sent those messages. I hissed in annoyance as I don’t see what reply I should give his message. I clicked on his contact profile and edited bluzy to sulayman, I clicked on the save icon and went back to reply.

I don't know why I changed his contact but I sure know that things have definitely changed in whatever relationship we have.

Me: hi!

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