chapter nine

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Sulayman's POV

I jumped out of the car at the lot, rushing my way. I don't know the exact lecture I have now. All I know is I paid off all lecturers for the week.

I walked hurriedly brushing off anyone on my path.
I dialed farouk's number, one eye glued to my phone, the other checking out my way.

I pocketed my left hand keeping a straight face as my fan girls squeaked in my ears making a hollow way for me to pass.

"Hes so cute".

"His blue eyes are amazing".

"Hes going to be mine".

"He's perfect".

They muttered in number as I walked down my locker. Why the heck will this bugger not pick his phone call.

"Phones are mobile for heaven's sake" I muttered loudly.

A hand held my shoulder tight from the back. I pulled the arm harder throwing the person to the floor trying to play defensive agent.

"Easy here" farouk groaned on the floor. I stretched my hands to pull him up.

"Not even a sorry" he said getting up. He brought out a towel, dusting his jean.

"You are never getting that" I brushed my hands pulling out my sanitizer from my jean pocket. I squeezed a little out rubbing my palms gently.

"I hate you sometimes" farouk scoffed walking away.

I don't care if he's angry or anything. I walked behind him to the class. I got in walking to an empty sit as people murmured. Two girls sitting at my back won't stop squeaking. I turned back giving them a "can you keep quiet" look. They kept shut but continued mumbling when I faced my front.

Dad came to the college with his numerous guards as I had thought. He nodded his head in satisfaction when he saw me in class through the door. I pretended to scribe on my notebook, I can't remember the last time I held a pen.

I got out of class when a guard signaled to me. i got ushered by two guards to the head of department office. I told the guards to walk upfront, I hate too much attention. Dad was sitting, chatting with the fat man with thick glasses when I got in the office.

"hey" I said siting on an empty sit. "I hope you are satisfied now" I peeled a wrapper of gum popping it in my mouth.

My dad looked at me sternly. If looks could kill, then I would be dead from his gaze. I looked out the window. He got up walking out of the office with his guards stumping the ground like they are on a parade. I hissed and walked out too after a while. I walked down the parking lot to his car.

Not to my dissapointment, I met with seven cars from my dad. I walked to the car he is in. He was on phone. I stood there for a minute humming to an American jam ignoring his boring conversation. I walked over to the other side to sit.

"Out of my car" he yelled immediately I sat.

I got out looking at him with disgust written all over me. "you don't have to yell" I muttered.

"Its enough you disrespect me at home. Now you do that in public" he shut the door instructing the driver to ignite the engine.

"what public" I yelled back at him.

"what do you want? I hate you ok? Get out of my life quickly?" I walked away from the car angrily.

I hissed away my anger, he doesn't expect me to bow to him all of a sudden. I walked down to my car dialing farouk's number.

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