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Alex pov.


*Also before you start I want to say that if you have read this before I did change a part in here. I found it too mean and I didnt like how it was. I hope it's better this way.*

The car ride wasn't as long as I thought it was gonna be nor boring. Boring isn't even a word in these boys vocabulary so things always stay interesting. Andi for sure hit it off with the boys automatically and for once she isn't jumping around like a crazy person. I guess she doesn't wanna make a fool of herself in front of them.

Once we pulled up to the O2l house I was clearly stunned. It was a huge white house with two floors. They had a gate that closed off the house and the front yard looks like it is always attended to.

I got my bags out of the trunk of the car and so did Andi.

"This place, is amazing." Andi said looking at the house with all her stuff in her hands. I nodded and Trevor, JC, and Connor ran inside the house. Trevor tripped Jc and Jc pushed Connor out the way once he got up. I didn't understand why they couldn't just walk into the house like normal people.

Needless to say, as they all tried getting into the house at once, it didn't work out one bit.

"They are idiots." Kian said taking a few of my bags out my hands.

"You don't have to do that."

"I want to." He said looking at me, opening the door to let me and Andi in. Andi threw her stuff down to the floor walking off. Kian looked at her like she was an insane child.

"Im not fit for this." she mumbled moving her arms around as if she just got done working out.  I laughed and Kian lead us up the stairs after Andi collected her things once again.

We walked down to the end of the hall and there were two rooms. The one on the right had a balcony with glass doors, leading out to see the back yard which has the pool and the hang out area. The left room had a huge window to see the front yard. Both rooms already have some furniture in them, clearly being the guest rooms. Andi ran into the room with the balcony and threw her stuff on the bed making herself at home; like normal.

I shrugged and walked into the other room and set my stuff on the bed taking my stuff out to set around the room.


"Hey" I heard someone say. I looked up from my computer to see Kian standing there smiling. He walked in, closing the door behind him and plopped down on the bed. I turned the computer chair around to face him and he was upside down doing the crab face.

"Im sorry Kian, but you just can't pull off the crab face like Ricky can." I smirked and he gasped.

"Im offended." he complained. I shrugged smirking and he sat up straight and looked at me.

"So what's up?" I asked breaking the awkward silence.

"Oh yea, dinner is ready" he said getting up. Looking at him with raised brows, I followed him getting up and closing my laptop. I followed him and Andi came out her room.

"Did someone say food?" She questioned looking between me and Kian. He nodded smiling and motioned for her too follow. She shut her door and followed us down the stairs. Andi went in front of us and stopped midway on the stairs. I looked down to see Trevor talking to Sam in the living room and Ricky coming in with a drink in hand leaning against the door frame to the kitchen.

"Don't you think Andi has a weird name for being a girl?" Trevor asked the boys around him.  Glancing over at Andi she had a straight face. She looked at me and smiled.

"It doesn't bother me anymore." She shrugged, strutting down the stairs.

I walked down the rest of the way with Kian. Andi already in the kitchen grabbing pizza and a Dr.pepper.

"She eats a lot for such a small girl." Kian leaned over to me.

"High metabolism." I cleared up.

I looked around and Trevor looks a little nervous. He keeps looking in Andi's direction, obviously trying to see if she had heard him.

Andi paid no attention to him. This seemed to calm him down a bit.

"So guys, how was the flight?" Ricky asked, taking a sip from his drink.

"Very boring." Andi spoke up.

Everyone went back to eating and being silent.


"Are you okay?" I asked. Me and the blue haired monster walked down the beach, as the moon hit our faces and the crisp air twirling our hair. I've never seen such a beautiful sight at night before. The way the moon is reflecting off the water and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. Yes I may live in Florida, but every beach is different. To me it is at least. From the sand to the water, from the people to the way the moon hits the calm water. 

"Yea I'm perfectly fine." She looked ahead of her with a small smile on her face.

"I can tell it bothers you though."

"It might bother me yes, many many bad memories of course but I will not make a big deal out of it." She explained, looking at the bright side. I smiled at her and patted her shoulder as we continued down the beach.

baby, grind on me. ~Sam Pottorff~Where stories live. Discover now